
The Doctor's tomb

In an alternate timeline where the Eleventh Doctor died at the Siege of Trenzalore, the Doctor's TARDIS underwent a size leak, grew into a monument and was used as his tomb.

The interior remained the same size but the control room grew dilapidated and overgrown. The console was absent and in its place was the tear, a wound of bright white light representing the Doctor's timeline from the day he first left Gallifrey and began his travels in time and space, connecting his battles together.

The Doctor stated that time travel was damage, a rip in the fabric of space-time, and the tear in the centre of the console room was the accumulation of his centuries of travel.

The tomb's main entrance looked like the default outer shell of a TARDIS, while an alternate entrance was disguised as a false grave dedicated to River Song. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

The timeline containing the tomb was negated when the Doctor regenerated into his twelfth incarnation after the siege, thus changing the future. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

v  e

Early versions

1212182030353940 (Model B) • 42434445505153545557586063657075808889 (128b161.55n+xpi-R-7601056771z) • 909193949798101102103104105120160341400560XX



Owned by
The Doctor
The Master

AceAladraAnzorAstrolabusBerenyiBianca's CabaretIrving BraxiatelCarganCarvilIris Wildthyme's Celestial OmnibusChronotisClara OswaldThe ClocksmithThe ColonelCortalianDarkelDraxThe Eleven (Battle TARDIS) • Epsilon DeltaErisGalahGenestaThe GestaltGothJane TempletonJaradJaxaKarlaxLeoraKarina Stirling's Mysterious PyramidThe MagicianThe MonkNarvinOllistraOmegaOphiuchusPadracPartheusPredaQixotlThe RaniRassilonRobert KnoxRolloRomanaRuthvenSavar (The Needle)StanStraxusTamasanTamiraTraveUnnamed Time LordThe ValeyardVansellVassarianThe War Chief

Auld Mortality's
Silurian Earth
Parallel universe
Parallel universe
Unbound Universe
The Daft Dimension
Parallel universe
Infinity Doctor's reality
Inferno Earth
Alternate timeline

The Doctor's tomb

Parallel universe
The Warrior's
Parallel universe

AntipathyBabylonCassandraCompassionDemiEsperanzaFirst Great War TARDISGlindaJohannes RauschKlystKrakenLolitaLoverMarieMedeaPercivalShip of War and Culture and RitualSilver Spray

Briefly used
by the Doctor
Not used
by the Doctor
Similarly named