
The Nest Cottage Chronicles

The Nest Cottage Chronicles was a 2015 box set collecting the Hornets' Nest, Demon Quest, and Serpent Crest audio series. It also featured several behind the scenes features compiled by Neil Gardner, including studio outtakes and a 2009 interview with Tom Baker.

Publisher's summary[]

Tom Baker stars as the Fourth Doctor in 15 full-cast audio dramas written by Paul Magrs, plus bonus features exclusive to this edition.

In Hornets' Nest, when former UNIT captain Mike Yates is reunited with a ghost from the past, he and the Doctor are soon united in battle once more, against alien insects intent on global domination. In Demon Quest, a key component from the TARDIS disappears, exchanged for a bag containing four curious objects. Each one is a clue, and so the Doctor and Mrs. Wibbsey embark on a chase through Time. Finally, in Serpent Crest, the Doctor acquires a Skishtari egg, whose powers are both wondrous and deadly. When the village of Hexford comes under attack, Mrs. Wibbsey and Mike discover that two Doctors aren’t necessarily better than one.

With Susan Jameson as Mrs. Wibbsey and Richard Franklin as Mike Yates, these thrilling adventures also feature Michael Maloney, Rula Lenska, Samuel West, Jan Francis, David Troughton, Michael Jayston, Simon Shepherd, Sophie Ward, Andrew Sachs, Nerys Hughes, and many others. Also included in this edition are a previously unheard interview with Tom Baker, outtakes from the original studio sessions, promotional trailers, and a PDF booklet featuring sleeve notes by writer Paul Magrs.


# Series Title Released
1 Hornets' Nest The Stuff of Nightmares 11 June 2015
2 The Dead Shoes
3 The Circus of Doom
4 A Sting in the Tale
5 Hive of Horror
6 Demon Quest The Relics of Time
7 The Demon of Paris
8 A Shard of Ice
9 Starfall
10 Sepulchre
11 Serpent Crest Tsar Wars
12 The Broken Crown
13 Aladdin Time
14 The Hexford Invasion
15 Survivors in Space


  • Besides the fifteen discs each covering a story of the series, a sixteenth bonus disc was included, containing the following:
    • Tracks 1-2: In Studio: Hornets' Nest
    • Tracks 3-4: In Studio: Demon Quest
    • Tracks 5-6: In Studio: Serpent Crest
    • Track 7: The Doctor Sings
    • Track 8: Audio trailer: Hornets' Nest
    • Track 9: Audio trailer: Demon Quest
    • Track 10: Audio trailer: Serpent Quest
    • Track 11: 4 promotional shorts for Hornets' Nest (Soundtrack taken from video recording)
    • Tracks 12-19: Tom Baker in conversation with Michael Stevens, 1 September 2009
    • Track 20: Tom Baker in his own words for Demon Quest (Soundtrack taken from video recording)
    • 3 PDFs containing the original cover art for Hornets' Nest, Demon Quest and Serpent Crest.
  • Author Paul Magrs joked on Gallifrey Base that the fourth set would have been called Mrs Wibbsey's String Vest.[1]
  • Actor Tom Baker was notoriously reluctant to return to his role as the Fourth Doctor, and The Nest Cottage Chronicles was his first foray back into Doctor Who. Following the February 2011 announcement that Baker would be joining Big Finish Productions,[2] AudioGO ceased its production of Fourth Doctor stories, and the last Nest Cottage audio was released later that year. However, the story of Nest Cottage continued after the series' explicit end.

External links[]


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BBC Doctor Who audio stories
The Nest
Hornets' Nest
Demon Quest
Serpent Crest
BBC Audio
the Doctor
Doom's Day
Tales from
Volume One
Volume Two

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AudioGO and BBC Audio audio stories
New Series
Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
Twelfth Doctor
The Nest
Hornets' Nest
Demon Quest
Serpent Crest
The Sarah Jane