
The One (Time Lord)

This topic might have a better name.

The One (The Eleven), as his voice is among the voices heard in the Eleven's head during The Eleven

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You may wish to consult The One for other, similarly-named pages.

The One was the main alias used by the first incarnation of the Time Lord known as the Multitude who suffered from regenerative dissonance.

He was a member of the Arcalian Chapter. (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).)

The Decayed Master once claimed that the One was a revered Gallifreyan and a genius, almost as intelligent as Omega. (AUDIO: The Box of Terrors [+]Lizzie Hopley, The Audio Novels (2023).)



The One, as he later became known, (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).) came from a non-ranking family and had little to do with his parents as it was discouraged in Time Lord society, particularly if one had ambition to rise above their social status. Because of his beginnings, the Time Lords had little interest in him. (AUDIO: The Murder of Oliver Akkron [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

The One studied the Doctor's story and was inspired by it. He graduated from the Time Lord Academy with a quintuple first across a range of subjects (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).) and later worked at the Panopticon Archive, where he found information about a prototype stellar manipulator. (AUDIO: The Satanic Mill [+]Edward Collier, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).)

When several members of the High Council were away on other business and a certain number of votes were required for particular motions to be passed, the One was given a temporary seat. (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).) He was shamed by a Prydonian and realised that his people were "belligerent children". (AUDIO: The Murder of Oliver Akkron [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) He later left Gallifrey and became a criminal, at some point regenerating into the Two and living on inside his head due to regenerative dissonance. (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).)


This section's awfully stubby.

Info from One for All [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW., etc. needs to be added

He gave the Doctor a potential source for his degeneration crisis in the Carpallium System after he offered a way out to the Two. (AUDIO: Two's Company [+]Lisa McMullin, Once and Future (Big Finish Productions, 2023).)

The Eleven transferred the mind of the One into his TARDIS to set a trap for the Doctor. Later, when the One was successfully transferred inside the Doctor's TARDIS, while both the Eleven's and the Doctor's TARDISes were linked, the One gained full control over both, threatening to blow them up into a supernova. The One was willing to sacrifice himself, so the other personalities of the Eleven would "flourish". However, the sixth Doctor transferred the mind of the Nine from a clone into his TARDIS, resulting in the One being stuck with the Doctor and the Nine, and becoming annoyed by his future incarnation's rampant kleptomania. Realizing that the Eleven was dying due to missing his other selves from his mind, and being unable to tolerate the Nine, he had no choice but to make a deal with the Doctor. They landed back on the planet Molaruss, where the One and the Nine were temporarily transferred into the Doctor's mind and then sent back into the mind of the Eleven. (AUDIO: One for All [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

It was also said that the One was either buried or imprisoned in the Sand Box, on Earth. The Sand Box was filled with every nightmare known to every species, such as the Devil. His tomb was visited by many well-wishers and protectors, such as the Rocket Men. An investigation into a potential new Omega threat led the Third and Fourth Doctors to the tomb, which was now being opened remotely by Omega, in an attempt to weaponise the One's calm, intelligent and rational mind. It became clear, however, that the tomb cum prison did not contain the level-headed One, but rather his sixth incarnation, a much more crazed, murderous and brutal personality. The Six broke out of the Sand Box, which in turn allowed the many entities to escape. Many people, including the Rocket Men, lost their lives. (AUDIO: The Box of Terrors [+]Lizzie Hopley, The Audio Novels (2023).)

Behind the scenes[]

  • The script of Dark Universe describes the One as a "fussy old archivist, pedantic and knowledgeable on many Gallifreyan secrets".

v  e

The High Council of Time Lords

Arkendo  • Borusa  • Irving Braxiatel  • Franilla  • Grayvas  • Helron  • Karlax  • Leabind  • Lenadi  • Luvis  • Matthias  • Morissa  • Ollistra  • Padrac  • Pandad  • Sendok  • Tachen  • Tortheth  • Valyes  • Zass  • Zero  • Zorac

High Chancellors

AzmealSlann  • Delox  • Socra  • Goth  • Borusa  • Thalia  • Flavia  • Theora  • Irving Braxiatel  • Valyes  • Narvin  • Jerasta  • Volstrom  • Unnamed 2


Marnal  • Spandrell  • Kelner  • Rannex  • Jerricho  • Lowri  • Lode  • Voran  • Andred  • Wynter  • Maxil  • Annos  • Slyne  • Unnamed 1  • Unnamed 2  • Plutus  • Kanteer  • Unnamed 3


Rassilon  • Omega  • Alekall  • The DoctorThe War Chief/The MasterCortalianDarkel  • Delox  • Elar  • Flavia  • Hedin  • Kandarl  • Milvo  • Morin  • Narvin  • Norval  • Ollistra  • Ortan  • Ragnar  • Rath  • Ratisbon  • Romana II  • Ryoth  • Samax  • Sardon  • Taskor  • Verne  • Wblk

Gold Ushers
The High Chancellors and Castellans are listed in chronological order by their first term in office. Other ranks are listed alphabetically.