The resistance (Deception)
The Resistance was an organisation set up to resist both the Daleks and the Time Lords in the Last Great Time War.
After the erasure of Ysalus by the War Council, Eris became disenfranchised with the war, and Romana II suggested creating a resistance whose aim was to stop the Time War. A call to arms to any race who wanted to help was sent out. (AUDIO: Collateral) As such in a self-imposed exile, Eris devoted his life and used his experience from his time in the Celestial Intervention Agency to covertly create the organisation with it's own resistance council. It was composed of exiled dissident Time Lords and people from races which had suffered from Rassilon’s campaign.
President Rassilon addressed the existence of the resistance in a single speech, branding them vermin and vowing they would be “exterminated” as such. (AUDIO: Deception)
Deception field gambit[]
During their search for Leela, the exiled Romana and Narvin met agents of the resistance and were told the location of their base. (AUDIO: Deception) After finding Leela and losing Romana to the Daleks, (AUDIO: Unity) Narvin went to meet the resistance council.
The resistance devised a plan to stop the war by poisoning the Time Vortex using Deception field technology. (AUDIO: Deception) Narvin agreed to their plan. (AUDIO: Deception)
They planned to gain access to the Untempered Schism on Gallifrey using a stealth Battle TARDIS, but Narvin learnt from Livia that the Daleks found a way to travel in time without the vortex. Rassilon redirected their TARDIS to become a bomb to destroy the Dalek null zone device. (AUDIO: Homecoming)
Further activity in the Time War[]
Narvin spent 70 years working for the resistance, helping when Phaidon was restored to the universe. He asked Daari for the Warpsmiths to become a part of the resistance. (AUDIO: The First Days of Phaidon)