
Trouble on the Orion Express (comic story)

Trouble at the Orion Express was a Doctor Who Adventures comic strip published in 2012.


The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams are travelling onboard the Orion Express. Gazing out of the observation windows at the constellation of Orion, the Doctor notices his sonic screwdriver is missing. He is unable to tell which foods at the buffet are edible for humans.

The Doctor is convinced it has been stolen. Sending Amy and Rory to each end of the carriage to ensure no-one leaves, he announces the theft to the passengers. The passengers believe that some form of mystery play is being enacted as the Doctor warns that in the wrong hands his sonic screwdriver could do astronomical damage.

Ruling out passenger contact, the Doctor correctly deduces that the thief is a member of staff and exposes a Daxzian waiter. As the Daxzian tries to escape with the screwdriver, which he intends to sell to the Doctor's enemies, he is floored by Amy, who hurls plates at him with a deadly accuracy as the other passengers cheer and applaud.

Amy mistakes the Doctor's affectionate words of "I don't know what I'd do without you!" as thanks even though he was talking about his sonic!



to be added


  • The supposedly "light-fingered" Daxzian appears to have varying number of fingers (three, four or five), depending on which frame you examine.

Original print details[]

  • Publication with page count and closing captions
  • No reprints to date.


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DWA Eleventh Doctor comic stories
Amy & Rory

First Foot FirstRandom HistoryThe Salt SolutionRory's StorySub-speciesQuite InterestingEarwormIf You Go Down to the Woods TodayGhost WorldPower of the MykuootniMine, All Mine!Golden SlumbersSound BytesChasing RainbowsPier Head From SpaceThe Evergreen DeathThe RageThe Peace StrikeExtinction EventHot Stuff!The Very Cool Bow Tie!Reality ChequeRoad RageThe King and the TripeberryDanger FlightDinosaurs in New York!Screamers!Grow Your OwnThe Golesterkol CollectionMissing in ActionPeril on the SeaRock Quasar and the Mudslugs of GurrnDino WorldThe Upper DeckThe Moon of Lost HopeVacuum PackedFunny Phone Call!The Deadly MutantThe Mutant TurnipThe Secret Star TrailAgent 99Dimension WarpThe Kchrusivour GambitTrapped in the Pages of HistoryDawn of the Living BreadAir Force GoneThe Frankenstein ParticleDog of War!Harvest of DoomThe Atomon InvasionWait Until MorningHumans Aren't Just for ChristmasVengeance of the AtomonPicture ImperfectThe Star SerpentThe Home StoreCold ComfortFaster Than LightThe Fairest of Them AllNew and ImprovedMalthill WayThe Demons of Repton AbbeyThe Punch & Judy TrapBuy, Buy, Baby!Ghosts of the Never-wereThe ParasitesDoomlandBuying TimeIsland of the CyclopesTrouble on the Orion ExpressDummy RunFinders KeepersThe Mirror WarGhost TrainI ScreamLe Tour de DeathThe Sky is Falling!The Time GalleryThe Cliff Face Bumble of DestructionThe Light CatcherDungeon of the LostThe Intergalactic Trials24-Hour News InvasionThe Panic RoomTerror from the SwampThe Planet That SleptPlanet of the RorysDawn of Time!TV Hell!Pondnium!
