The Vanir were a cadre of slaves employed by the Terminus Inc to run the space station of Terminus.
The Vanir were controlled by Terminus Inc with the anti-viral drug hydromel, which they depended on for protection against Lazar's disease. If the Vanir failed to cure the Lazars, then Terminus Inc would cut off their hydromel supply. Their escape from the station was prevented by isolating them from the spaceship that successfully treated Lazars; until the intercession of the Fifth Doctor, they were unaware such a ship even existed.
Vanir were outfitted with a suit of armour that served as a method for administering hydromel. A cylinder of hydromel was inserted into the chest piece, and appeared to be gradually depleted.
At least one of the Vanir was formerly a space pirate until he was betrayed into slavery by his commander. The origin of the other Vanir is unknown.
Most of the Vanir had a pale, gaunt appearance.
Since the slavery of the Vanir was completely dependent on hydromel, they were able to free themselves once Nyssa agreed to stay on Terminus to synthesise it for them. (TV: Terminus)
Behind the scenes[]
- The name "Vanir" comes from Norse mythology and refers to a tribe of gods who made war on the rest. Many of the Vanir characters in Terminus are given names with a Scandinavian sound to them.
- The Vanir also were a tribe of Vikings in 141, influenced by the Master under the alias of Frey to fight Odin and Thor and the Third Doctor so that he could get Grungnir. The Doctor explained to Jo Grant that Norse mythology probably came from real adventures of early Viking history, as here the fight between Vanir and Odins folk, in the Sweden of the year 141. (PROSE: The Spear of Destiny)
- In Dimensions in Time, which this wiki does not count as a valid source, Vanir was part of the Rani's menagerie summoned to fight various incarnations of the Doctor in the East End of London.