

The Vogons were a species of hostile creatures that were once a threat to Earth but were stopped by the Doctor.

The Fourth Doctor told the Hornets that they were not as much of a threat to the planet as the Vogons, Pescatons, Trods or Krynoids. (AUDIO: A Sting in the Tale)

Arthur Dent had met the Doctor on numerous occasions, but had found the Doctor to be "outstandingly uninterested" in killing Vogons. (PROSE: The Christmas Invasion)

Behind the scenes[]

The Vogons originated in the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams (script editor for Season 17 of Doctor Who), where they actually successfully destroyed Earth. Vogons are one of many minor crossovers between the two series.

External links[]

v  e

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Arthur Dent's homeBetelgeuse V (moon) • BethselaminKrikkitQualactin

Not considered
part of the DWU

Frogstar World BVogsphere Inc.

Rarely, for Doctor Who, all accounts that present information about Hitchhiker's present it as reality, not fiction, even in accounts where the series is shown to also exist in-universe. Therefore, everything on this template is "reality" as far as the DWU is concerned.
Some categorisation may be based upon conjecture. Real world information should not enter into this.