
War Wounds (audio story)

War Wounds was the second story of The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Mark Wright, performed by Jacob Dudman and featured the Twelfth Doctor and Danny Pink.

Publisher's summary[]

When Danny Pink finds the TARDIS door open in a Coal Hill storeroom, he can't help wondering about Clara's double life and the truth about the Doctor.

But he gets much more than he bargained for. Stuck amid an alien war, can Danny and the Doctor stop arguing long enough to make it out alive?


The school day ends at Coal Hill Secondary School and Danny comes across the TARDIS in the stationery cupboard and enters, shouting for the Doctor to leave as Clara is away. He looks around the console room and hides under a desk when the Doctor enters and pilots the ship at random. When they land, he follows the Doctor outside and finds that they have materialised in an alien jungle. The Doctor sneaks behind him, claiming that he knew that he was aboard, and tells him to get back into the TARDIS so that he can return him to Coal Hill.

The outcrop Danny is standing on disintegrates and he plunges down into a pool of water where he is found by a unit of soldiers and soon joined by the Doctor. The group are subject to an airstrike and Danny is caught in a blast, but he is taken to a medibase where the Doctor operates on him and Captain Irena Reagan gives him medication for his pain. Danny notices a Cathilian patient looking terrified when she and a nurse seem to recognise one another and, in the night, he follows her outside and calls for help when she collapses as she tries to get away. Colonel Quarang summons the nurse, Toria, and she explains that she and the patient, Lieutenant Yesath Uzeg, were in the Unified Peace Society together at university.

Yesath admits that she is the daughter of Uzeg, who began the war, and that she took a dead soldier's uniform and turned her weapon on herself to escape her father's service. Quarang arrests her despite Danny's protests, but the Doctor remains silent and pretends to want to return to Earth until Danny pleads Yesath's case and explains why they have to help her. With Reagan's help, they rescue Yesath from captivity and Danny holds back the soldiers, armed with a pulse rifle, whilst the Doctor and Reagan get her away. He drops the gun after imagining a laughing boy and runs to safety before Reagan and an injured Doctor return for him in a Jeep.

Reagan drops the Doctor and Danny off at the TARDIS after giving the Doctor some medication for his pain and, whilst the Doctor gives her a dismissive wave of his hand, Danny gives her a farewell and a handshake. The Doctor pilots the TARDIS back to Coal Hill and collapses because of the medication, which affects him differently due to him being a Time Lord and makes him forget the adventure. When he comes to, he pushes Danny out of the TARDIS and dematerialises after telling him to keep the fact that he was inside the ship from Clara. Danny agrees that it will be their secret.





to be added


  • Danny tells the Doctor to be a good man. The Doctor has previously wondered whether he is indeed a good man. (TV: Into the Dalek)

External links[]

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The Doctor Chronicles
The Ninth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
Volume One
Defender of the Earth
The Eleventh Doctor
Volume One
Volume Two
All of Time
and Space
Everywhere and Anywhere
Victory of the Doctor
The Twelfth Doctor
Volume One
You Only Die Twice