
11 July

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11 July

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11 July was a date.


In 1979, the United States space station Skylab began its return to Earth, several years ahead of schedule, with the assistance of the Doctor. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Loading...["The Time Traveller's Almanac (reference book)"], TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Loading...["Tooth and Claw (TV story)"]) The Tenth Doctor parked his TARDIS in Earth's orbit to watch the descent. In the early hours of 12 July, Skylab would collide with a Zalphon scout ship before landing near the town of Esperance in Western Australia. (PROSE: Bennelong Point [+]Loading...["Bennelong Point (short story)"])

In 1982, Italy beat West Germany in the World Cup final with a score of three to one. The Eighth Doctor celebrated the victory in a small town named Ferrara, and stopped the Threllip invasion of Earth with the help of Charley Pollard. (AUDIO: Living Legend [+]Loading...["Living Legend (audio story)"])

In 1999, Johnny Chester signed copies of his book, Neurotic Boy Outsider, at the Tower Records on Sherman Way. (PROSE: The King of Terror [+]Loading...["The King of Terror (novel)"])

Births and deaths

11 July was Davros's birthday. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])