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Timeline for 1645
17th century | 1640s

1639 • 1641 • 1642 • 1643 • 1644 • 1646 • 1647 • 1648 • 1649 • 1651


1645 was a year.

An outbreak of Skreeths was discovered. The Time Lords dispatched the Seventh Doctor to enlist allies to stop the infection. After telling the Draconians, they adopted a "scorched galaxy" policy which involved obliterating any worlds that developed signs of infection. The Doctor later regretted this, though it prevented the infection's spread. (PROSE: The Devil Like a Bear)

The Twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts and Nardole visited Edinburgh. (PROSE: Plague City)

A party of Roundheads was apparently torn apart by wild beasts while camped on Lanyon Moor. (AUDIO: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor)