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Timeline for 1742
18th century | 1740s

• 1738 • 1739 • 1740 • 1741 • 1743 • 1744 • 1745 • 1746 • 1747


1742 was a year.

Events[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dated[[edit] | [edit source]]

On 8 September, the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Susan Foreman spent time recovering from the Salem witch trials of 1692 on a New England beach. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)

Undated[[edit] | [edit source]]

Unsworth had the crew of the Henrietta pretend to be the Flying Dutchman to frighten Captain Alexander Marfleet and ensure a mutiny aboard the Isabella. However, he was exposed thanks to the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Thomas Hector Schofield. (AUDIO: The Flying Dutchman)