
20 April

  • ️Tue Oct 22 2024

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20 April

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20 April was a date.


In 1896, Team TARDIS encountered a Draconian in West Ham. (PROSE: The Simple Things [+]Loading...["The Simple Things (short story)"])

In 1958, the MTB Heroic sank in the River Thames due to a storm. Its crewmember Johnny Skipton was rescued from drowning by the 39th century time traveller Elliot Payne and brought to the 1890s. (AUDIO: Dead Men's Tales [+]Loading...["Dead Men's Tales (audio story)"], Chronoclasm [+]Loading...["Chronoclasm (audio story)"])

In 2011[1], Craig Owens awoke to find the Eleventh Doctor gone following the events of the day previous; the Doctor went to Sanderson & Grainger on his own to battle the Cybermen. Craig joined him and was almost Cyber-converted, but managed to reverse the process half-way through when his son Alfie's cry rebooted his emotions. This also caused an emotional overload for the Cybermen; their ship was destroyed in the explosion. Despite supposedly having little time to live, the Doctor then travelled back a few hours to clean up Craig's house before Sophie returned, and then left for one last trip in his farewell tour before finally confronting his death. (TV: Closing Time [+]Loading...["Closing Time (TV story)"])

In 2025, the Seventh Doctor's state began to stabilise after his infection the day before. (AUDIO: Project: Destiny [+]Loading...["Project Destiny (audio story)","Project: Destiny"])

Births and deaths

20 April 1889 was infamous for being Adolf Hitler's birthday. In 1945, on his 56th birthday, Hitler was seen for the last time outside the Nazis' underground bunker in Berlin, giving awards to some members of the Hitler Youth. (PROSE: The Shadow in the Glass [+]Loading...["The Shadow in the Glass (novel)"])


Around 20 April, the Time Vortex would experience high volumes of traffic and frequent paradox clusters. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])


  1. The Doctor showed Craig a newspaper dated 19 April the day before.