
25 October

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25 October in

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25 October




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25 October was a date.

Holidays and observances

25 October was the flocking of the Quantum Shades. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])


In 1854 in Balaclava, the Battle of Balaclava took place. Lord Lucan gave the order to Lord Cardigan to advance a light cavalry brigade upon a retreating group of Russian gunmen. However, miscommunication caused the brigade to instead gallop towards a different group who were sure to slaughter them all. At 11:10, the Light Brigade charged towards certain death. (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari [+]Loading...["The Angel of Scutari (audio story)"]) This became known as the Charge of the Light Brigade. The Doctor witnessed the event, which he remembered as a "magnificent folly". (TV: The Evil of the Daleks [+]Loading...["The Evil of the Daleks (TV story)"], The Sea Devils [+]Loading...["The Sea Devils (TV story)"])