4 (number)
- ️Tue Dec 17 2024
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
4 (Roman numeral: IV) (TV: The Man from MI.5 [+]Loading...["The Man from MI.5 (TV story)"], The Church on Ruby Road [+]Loading...["The Church on Ruby Road (TV story)"]) was a number.
According to Jo Grant, three sevens times four were equal to 84. Also according to her, 12 divided by 4 was 3. (TV: The Claws of Axos [+]Loading...["The Claws of Axos (TV story)"])
Some species, like the Empathivores, (COMIC: The Whispering Gallery [+]Loading...["The Whispering Gallery (comic story)"]) the Moxolon Swamp Vipers, (TV: The Vault of Secrets [+]Loading...["The Vault of Secrets (TV story)"]) the Tractites (PROSE: Genocide [+]Loading...["Genocide (novel)"]) and the Tetraps (TV: Time and the Rani [+]Loading...["Time and the Rani (TV story)"]) had four eyes.
Askenflatt Minor had four suns. (PROSE: The Hero Factor [+]Loading...["The Hero Factor (short story)"]) Vulpana had four moons. (AUDIO: The Moons of Vulpana [+]Loading...["The Moons of Vulpana (audio story)"])
The Fifth Doctor told the First Doctor that he was on his fourth regeneration. (TV: The Five Doctors [+]Loading...["The Five Doctors (TV story)"])
The Fifth Doctor was told by Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart that he had worked with eight other incarnations of the Doctor by 1999, including four of his future incarnations. (PROSE: The King of Terror [+]Loading...["The King of Terror (novel)"])
Graffiti on the outer walls of Deffry Vale High School by 2007 read "Paul 4 Claire". (TV: School Reunion [+]Loading...["School Reunion (TV story)"])
To his recollection, Elton Pope saw the Tenth Doctor on the night of his mother's death when he was "three or four" years old. (TV: Love & Monsters [+]Loading...["Love & Monsters (TV story)"])
Before the Genesis Ark opened, the Doctor believed that the Cult of Skaro were the last four Daleks in existence. (TV: Doomsday [+]Loading...["Doomsday (TV story)"])
The countdown towards the Ninth Doctor's eviction on Big Brother counted from 6 to 0, going through 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. (TV: Bad Wolf [+]Loading...["Bad Wolf (TV story)"])
In an emergency transmission sent by the TARDIS, the Thirteenth Doctor listed five things that she did in any worrying situation. The fourth was listening to science and doctors. (WC: Message from the Doctor [+]Loading...["Message from the Doctor (webcast)"])
In 1999, the Ninth Doctor had a conversation with "Eddie Duggan" on a flight of stone steps in a square in Prague at 4AM. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]Loading...["Have You Seen This Man? (short story)"])
In the language spoken by the crew of the captain's spaceship that accidentally flew to the edge of the universe, the word for 4 was "Vandeen" (TV: Wild Blue Yonder [+]Loading...["Wild Blue Yonder (TV story)"])
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