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AMNN (also known as AMN Network) was an internationally transmitted American cable television news network. One of its frequently seen newsreaders was Trinity Wells. (TV: Aliens of London [+]Loading...["Aliens of London (TV story)"]/World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"], COMIC: Revolutions of Terror [+]Loading...["Revolutions of Terror (comic story)"], Spiral Staircase [+]Loading...["Spiral Staircase (comic story)"] et al.)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

In March 2006, Wells, from New York, reported on the crisis in London following the destruction of Big Ben at the hands of an alien spacecraft as it crashed into the River Thames. She announced that the military was on the lookout for more spaceships while all flights in North American air space had been grounded until further notice; the President of the United States was to address the nation live from the White House while the Secretary General asked that people watched the skies. (TV: Aliens of London [+]Loading...["Aliens of London (TV story)"])

Later, at midnight in New York time, Wells announced that the United Nations had gathered as England had seemingly provided them with "absolute proof" of the existence of "massive weapons of destruction". With the Security Council planning to make a resolution in a matter of minutes, Wells announced that humanity's first interplanetary war would begin once the United Nations released the codes granting the United Kingdom access to nuclear weapons. Wells continued to report as the Council made its vote before finally announcing that the Council had agreed to release the codes. (TV: World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"])

On 25 December, Wells reported on the image of the Sycorax which had been transmitted by Guinevere One, announcing that the human race had been shown absolute proof that alien life existed. She later noted that, despite claims of an alien hoax, it had been reported that NATO forces were on red alert. (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Loading...["The Christmas Invasion (TV story)"])

In 2007, Wells reported on the appearance of ghosts, (AUDIO: Driving Miss Wells [+]Loading...["Driving Miss Wells (audio story)"]) which lasted for about two months until the Battle of Canary Wharf. (TV: Army of Ghosts [+]Loading...["Army of Ghosts (TV story)"]/Doomsday [+]Loading...["Doomsday (TV story)"])

In March (AUDIO: Recruits [+]Loading...["Recruits (audio story)"]) or June 2008, (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters [+]Loading...["The Secret Lives of Monsters (short story)"]) Wells reported that President Arthur Winters was furious at the "unilateral action" taken by Great Britain after British Prime Minister Harold Saxon announced first contact with the Toclafane, a supposed alien race. The following day, at three AM in the morning on the eastern seaboard, Wells announced that President Winters, who appeared to greet the Toclafane aboard the aircraft carrier Valiant, had been chosen to lead the world into a new age. (TV: The Sound of Drums [+]Loading...["The Sound of Drums (TV story)"]) Soon after, Wells reported on the attempted Toclafane invasion, announcing the death of the President and the subsequent disappearance of Harold Saxon, who was himself presumed dead. (AUDIO: Driving Miss Wells [+]Loading...["Driving Miss Wells (audio story)"])

In the 2000s,[nb 1] Wells gave a breaking news report, announcing a massive loss of power on the west coast of North America resulting in Los Angeles going dark. Soon after, she reported that the power loss was spreading westwards. Announcing that China was now without power, she noted that it may be only a matter of time before the effect spread to her location. Indeed, as soon as she spoke, the lights went out in the studio where she was reporting. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen [+]Loading...["Revenge of the Slitheen (TV story)"])

In the 2000s,[nb 2] Wells reported on the caesofine gas emitting from ATMOS-equipped cars. Noting that the gas appeared to be toxic, Wells gave a repeated warning to "anyone and everyone" to stay away from all cars. Soon after, Wells reported that, with the freeways blocked by ATMOS cars, populations of major cities were now walking across open country to escape the fumes. She noted that the calamity was being likened to a Biblical plague, with some calling it the End of Days. (TV: The Poison Sky [+]Loading...["The Poison Sky (TV story)"]) Wells later announced that the sky had been set on fire, (AUDIO: Driving Miss Wells [+]Loading...["Driving Miss Wells (audio story)"]) which eliminated the gas. (TV: The Poison Sky [+]Loading...["The Poison Sky (TV story)"])

Wells reported on the appearance of twenty six planets in the sky. Just prior to the attack by the New Dalek Empire, she announced that the United Nations had issued an edict, asking the citizens of the world not to panic while noting that they had been no explanation for the appearance new planets as yet. (TV: The Stolen Earth [+]Loading...["The Stolen Earth (TV story)"]) It later became apparent that the Earth had been stolen. (AUDIO: Driving Miss Wells [+]Loading...["Driving Miss Wells (audio story)"])

In the 2000s,[nb 1] while announcing a confirmation of the story stating that the President was walking out of the White House, apparently holding hands with the wife of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Wells was briefly taken over when Martin Trueman (possessed by the Ancient Lights) invoked Leo into his circle. (TV: Secrets of the Stars [+]Loading...["Secrets of the Stars (TV story)"])

In September 2009, (TV: Children of Earth: Day One [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day One (TV story)"]) Wells reported on the possession of Earth's children, beginning with the spoken message "we are coming". She stated the Senate's observation that people were now living in fear of their children, of what they would say next and of who or what was speaking through them. She noted that they had been given no answers, no hope and no assurance that that the children would come first. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day Three (TV story)"]) Following the arrival of the 456, Wells reported that all eyes were now turning toward the United Kingdom as the world asked what the British government was hiding. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Four [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day Four (TV story)"])

In approximately the 2000s,[nb 3] Wells was covering a Christmas Day speech given from Washington by President Barack Obama, who promised an instant and radical financial solution to the worldwide depression. She announced "Barack Obama will lead us all into a new age of prosperity." Soon after, however, Wells noted that something was wrong and it seemed to be affecting the President. This was a prelude to the emergence of the Master Race; along with Obama and the rest of the human race, Wells was temporarily transformed into a duplicate of the Saxon Master during the speech. Among the places AMN was playing was the residence of Joshua Naismith, where the Tenth Doctor was informed by "Wells", with the facetious qualifer of "breaking news", that the Master was everyone on Earth. Along with rest of the Master Race as well as the Master himself, "Wells" proceeded to laugh maniacally. Later that day, Rassilon used his gauntlet to reverse the transformation, restoring Wells and the rest of humanity back to normal. (TV: The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"])

In 2010, Wells reported on the Vykoid's attempted takeover of New York City. (PROSE: The Forgotten Army [+]Loading...["The Forgotten Army (novel)"]) She later reported on the New York City Halloween riot caused by the Cerebravores, (COMIC: Revolutions of Terror [+]Loading...["Revolutions of Terror (comic story)"]) and the appearance of new buildings all over New York City. (COMIC: Spiral Staircase [+]Loading...["Spiral Staircase (comic story)"])

Alternate timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 2046, in an alternate timeline in which the Fifteenth Doctor stepped on a fairy circle and disappeared, AMNN was depicted on an Albion Party poster in its campaign headquarters as one of the party's corporate sponsors. (TV: 73 Yards [+]Loading...["73 Yards (TV story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • While real-life BBC News personnel, sets and graphics have appeared in the Doctor Who universe, AMNN is a fictional creation, somewhat analogous to CNN.

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. 1.0 1.1 No on screen date is given for the first two series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, outside of The Day of the Clown from the second series being set shortly after 9 October in an undisclosed year. While Donna Noble's present from the fourth series of Doctor Who is set around the same time as the first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, and The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith from the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures is explicitly described as being set a year after Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? from the first series, Doctor Who's fourth series is not consistently dated, with TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS setting the present of the 13 regular episodes in 2008 (heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle as well), and PROSE: Beautiful Chaos setting them in about April to June 2009.
  2. The present day of Doctor Who's fourth series is not consistently dated, with TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS setting the present of the 13 regular episodes in 2008 (heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle as well), and PROSE: Beautiful Chaos setting them in about April to June 2009.
  3. Both Planet of the Dead and The End of Time are referred to in dialogue as taking place after the end of Journey's End, which is set in either 2008, according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or six weeks after the middle of May 2009, circa June, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos. However, the year of The End of Time is unspecified, as is whether or not it is intended to be the Christmas immediately after Journey's End.

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