
Aether Beauregarde

  • ️Tue Oct 22 2024

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Dr Aether Beauregarde was Nora Edgecastle's wife. She lived at the Welkin Sanatorium and Centre for Wellness on Soresia, where the vapours kept her alive. She encountered the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka and Marcipor and told them about the planetoid. Marc comforted her after Nora's death. She created a machine that kept people alive after death by creating lifelike holograms. The Doctor found a cure for the virus she was infected with. (AUDIO: The Lost Resort)

Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]

Aether enjoyed making her own tea wherever she went and, on Soresia, made marsh tea out of three different strands of dessicated legume grass, sky lavender and marsh rosebuds. She also liked humbugs, which she described as a "mint that never lets you down", and nettle soup with marsh turnip. (AUDIO: The Lost Resort)