
Alexander Helios

  • ️Thu Mar 09 2023

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Alexander Helios

You may wish to consult Alex for other, similarly-named pages.

Alexander Helios was one of the children of Mark Antony and Cleopatra in the Alternate Rome universe created by Iam. He ruled the Dominion with his siblings. He planned to assassinate his brother Ptolemy Caesar so he could use "Ultimus" (an atomic bomb) to destroy Alexandria, and Cleopatra Selene along with it.

The plan failed, and on the day of the Games, he was goaded into the arena by Ptolemy. They faced a pack of wolves, and the one who the wolves ignored would be ruler of the Dominion. Thanks to some pheromones from the TARDIS that Ptolemy applied to himself, the wolves attacked Alexander. (PROSE: State of Change)

v  e

Leaders of Rome
Kings, Dictators, Caesars, Roman Emperors, and Holy Roman Emperors
Roman Kingdom
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Western Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire
Byzantine Empire


Alternate Rome
Roma I
Roma VI
Roma CI
Roma D
Roma DCX
Germania I
Terra Nova
20th century
Starless World
River Song's