
Arrowdown (game)

  • ️Fri Oct 25 2024


Arrowdown was an adventure written for Adventures in Time and Space: The Roleplaying Game. It was included with the initial 2009 release of the game. It was later released as a free PDF in 2013.

The initial release described the story as an adventure for the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones, while the 2013 PDF release retooled it as an adventure for the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. As this was a story created for a role-playing game, the actual characters could be switched out for any Doctor Who character, or indeed original creations.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

The player characters arrive on a beach, seemingly in the mid-1950s. However owing to a time rift created by Dalek technology and monitored by Torchwood, the beach and the surrounding town of Arrowdown are fluctuating between different time zones.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Note that due to the RPG nature of this story this list excludes the Doctor and their companions, as they may be swapped out for any characters.

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

Cultural references from the real world[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • To be added

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Cubicle 7 The Roleplaying Game Adventures
Original Standalone Adventures
1st Edition
Tenth Doctor version
1st Edition
Eleventh Doctor version
1st edition
Twelfth Doctor version
2nd Edition
Thirteenth Doctor version
1st edition
Doom of the Daleks
2nd Edition
Starter Set
2nd Edition
The Secrets of Scaravore
2nd Edition
A Stitch in Time
2nd Edition
Sixty Years of Adventure
Adaptational Adventures
First Doctor
Second Doctor
Third Doctor
Fourth Doctor

RobotThe Ark in SpaceThe Sontaran ExperimentGenesis of the DaleksRevenge of the CybermenTerror of the ZygonsPlanet of EvilPyramids of MarsThe Android InvasionThe Brain of MorbiusThe Seeds of DoomThe Masque of MandragoraThe Hand of FearThe Deadly AssassinThe Face of EvilThe Robots of DeathThe Talons of Weng-ChiangHorror of Fang RockThe Invisible EnemyImage of the FendahlThe Sun MakersUnderworldThe Invasion of TimeThe Ribos OperationThe Pirate PlanetThe Stones of BloodThe Androids of TaraThe Power of KrollThe Armageddon FactorDestiny of the DaleksCity of DeathThe Creature from the PitNightmare of EdenThe Horns of NimonThe Leisure HiveMeglosFull CircleState of DecayWarriors' GateThe Keeper of TrakenLogopolisShada

Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Seventh Doctor
Eighth Doctor
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor

The Christmas InvasionNew EarthTooth and ClawSchool ReunionThe Girl in the FireplaceRise of the Cybermen/The Age of SteelThe Idiot's LanternThe Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit Love & MonstersFear HerArmy of Ghosts/DoomsdayThe Runaway BrideSmith and JonesThe Shakespeare CodeGridlockDaleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the DaleksThe Lazarus Experiment42Human Nature/The Family of BloodBlinkUtopiaThe Sound of Drums/Last of the Time LordsVoyage of the DamnedPartners in CrimeThe Fires of PompeiiPlanet of the OodThe Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison SkyThe Doctor's DaughterThe Unicorn and the WaspSilence in the Library/Forest of the DeadMidnightTurn LeftThe Stolen Earth/Journey's EndThe Next DoctorPlanet of the DeadThe Waters of MarsThe End of Time

Eleventh Doctor

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Twelfth Doctor
Thirteenth Doctor