
Assistant editor

  • ️Thu Oct 26 2023

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Assistant editors are responsible for maintaining a smooth flow of material from the production and post-production teams to the editor. Perhaps their most important duty is organising recorded material as it comes in so it can be accessed easily by the editor. In the course of their duties, they act as the editor's key liaison to other departments. They generally do not directly assist in the actual assembly of the rough or final cuts of episodes.

They are usually required from the first day of principal photography to the last day of post-production. Editors, by contrast, begin their work only after sufficient material has been filmed and organised, and may not fully begin work until after principal photography has wrapped.

On most projects, they are usually brought onto a project by the editor, rather than hired directly by the producer or director. However, BBC Wales seems to have a regular editorial staff who rotate duties on various episodes. It seems likely that various editing/assistant-editing teams are assigned to particular production blocks by the production manager. Due to the overwhelming workload on even a single production block, various editing teams are used throughout the course of a season.

Career advancement can be detected in BBC credit rolls. Ceres Doyle, for instance, began as an assistant editor on Rose, but by Utopia had become a full editor.

This position has only been credited on-screen since the advent of the 2005 series of Doctor Who There may have been people who performed a similar function in the later years of the 1963 version of Doctor Who— indeed Tom Baker's wife, Sue Jerrard, was apparently an assistant editor on the original version of the programme — but the only editing credit given then was for film editors.

In other media[[edit] | [edit source]]

There are also "assistant editors" in audio and print. Big Finish Productions regularly credit assistant editors, who perform functions very similar to their television counterparts. They principally organise the various audio takes and cues so the editor can assemble them efficiently.

Assistant magazine editors similarly control the flow of articles and comic strips into the editor-in-chief's hands, who then decides how to compose the issue. However, assistant editors of magazines may also be responsible for verifying that articles have been written according to the magazine's manual of style, that the facts contained in articles are correct, or for excising material which runs overlong. As opposed to their television and audio counterparts, they may in fact engage in the actual work of editing, as the editor-in-chief wears several managerial "hats" not worn by his or her television counterparts.

Assistant editors for a publishing house such as BBC Books are the most distantly related to television assistant editors. They are typically engaged in giving a first read to a manuscript to help their editors understand whether it is worth their time to read the manuscript themselves, if the manuscript has not been commissioned. They may also provide primary editorial consultation to an author if the main editor is engaged in other, higher-priority work. Though similar to a television assistant editor as a conduit of information from the editor to other departments in the publishing house and to the actors who provide the content, they are much more engaged in the process of actually shaping the final product than a television assistant editor.

List of assistant editors[[edit] | [edit source]]

Story Assistant editor
42 Tim Hodges
Adrift Matt Mullins
An Adventure in Space and Time Adam Harvey, Matt Bate
The Age of Steel Ceres Doyle
Aliens of London Ceres Doyle
The Almost People Rebecca Trotman
Amy's Choice Rebecca Trotman
The Angels Take Manhattan Rebecca Trotman
Arachnids in the UK Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Army of Ghosts Ceres Doyle
Asylum of the Daleks Rebecca Trotman
Bad Wolf Ceres Doyle
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Beast Below Cat Gregory
Before the Flood Rebecca Trotman
The Bells of Saint John Rebecca Trotman
The Big Bang Rebecca Trotman
Blink Tim Hodges, Matt Mullins
Boom Town Ceres Doyle
Brave-ish Heart Hayley Williams, Gareth Mabey
Can You Hear Me? Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Captain Jack Harkness Matt Mullins
The Caretaker Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
Children of Earth: Day Five Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Children of Earth: Day Four Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Children of Earth: Day One Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Children of Earth: Day Three Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Children of Earth: Day Two Carmen Sanchez Roberts
A Christmas Carol Rebecca Trotman
The Christmas Invasion Ceres Doyle
Closing Time Lee Bhogal, Rebecca Trotman
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart Hayley Williams, Gareth Mabey
The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo Christine Kelly, Hayley Williams
Cold Blood Rebecca Trotman
Cold War Rebecca Trotman
Combat Matt Mullins
Countrycide Matt Mullins
The Curse of Clyde Langer Carmen Sanchez Roberts
The Curse of the Black Spot Rebecca Trotman
Cyberwoman Matt Mullins
Dalek Ceres Doyle
Daleks in Manhattan Tim Hodges
Dark Water Katrina Aust, Will Burgess
Day One Matt Mullins
A Day in the Death Matt Mullins
The Day of the Clown Matt Mullins
The Day of the Doctor Katrina Aust
Day of the Moon Rebecca Trotman
Death in Heaven Katrina Aust, Will Burgess, Joshua Williams
Death of the Doctor Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Deep Breath Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
Demons of the Punjab David Davies, Hayley Williams
Detained Hayley Williams, Gareth Mabey
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Rebecca Trotman
The Doctor Dances Ceres Doyle, Jamie Adams
The Doctor Falls David Davies (assistant editor)
The Doctor's Daughter Carmen Sanchez Roberts
The Doctor's Wife Rebecca Trotman
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe Rebecca Trotman
Doomsday Ceres Doyle
The Eaters of Light Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Eleventh Hour Cat Gregory
Empress of Mars Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Empty Child Ceres Doyle, Jamie Adams
The Empty Planet Carmen Sanchez Roberts
End of Days Matt Mullins
The End of Time Carmen Sanchez Roberts
The End of the World Ceres Doyle
Enemy of the Bane Lee Bhogal
The Eternity Trap Lee Bhogal
Eve of the Daleks Brooke Taylor Michael, Joseph Keirle
Everything Changes Matt Mullins
Evolution of the Daleks Tim Hodges
Face the Raven Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
The Family of Blood Tim Hodges, Matt Mullins
Father's Day Ceres Doyle
Fear Her Ceres Doyle
Flatline Katrina Aust, Urien Deiniol
Flesh and Stone Cat Gregory
For Tonight We Might Die Christine Kelly, Hayley Williams
Fugitive of the Judoon Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Ghost Machine Matt Mullins
The Ghost Monument Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Gift Lee Bhogal
The Girl Who Died Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
The Girl Who Waited Rebecca Trotman
The Girl in the Fireplace Ceres Doyle
The God Complex Rebecca Trotman
A Good Man Goes to War Rebecca Trotman
Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Greeks Bearing Gifts Matt Mullins
Gridlock Ceres Doyle, Tim Hodges
The Halloween Apocalypse Hayley Williams, Brooke Taylor Michael
Heaven Sent Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
Hell Bent Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
Hide Rebecca Trotman
Human Nature Tim Hodges, Matt Mullins
The Hungry Earth Rebecca Trotman
The Husbands of River Song Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
The Idiot's Lantern Ceres Doyle
The Impossible Astronaut Rebecca Trotman
The Impossible Planet Ceres Doyle, Matt Mullins
In the Forest of the Night Katrina Aust, Will Burgess
Into the Dalek Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
Invasion of the Bane Tim Hodges
It Takes You Away Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Rebecca Trotman
Kerblam! Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Kill the Moon Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
Knock Knock Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
Last Christmas Katrina Aust
The Last Sontaran Lee Bhogal
Last of the Time Lords Tim Hodges
The Lazarus Experiment Tim Hodges
Legend of the Sea Devils Brooke Taylor Michael, Joseph Keirle
Let's Kill Hitler Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Rebecca Trotman
The Lie of the Land Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
Listen Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
The Lodger Rebecca Trotman
The Long Game Ceres Doyle
The Lost Hayley Williams, Gareth Mabey
Lost in Time Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Love & Monsters Ceres Doyle, Matt Mullins
The Mad Woman in the Attic Lee Bhogal
The Magician's Apprentice Rebecca Trotman, Steven Waltham
The Man Who Never Was Carmen Sanchez Roberts
The Mark of the Berserker Lee Bhogal
Meat Matt Mullins
The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did Hayley Williams, Gareth Mabey
Midnight Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Mona Lisa's Revenge Lee Bhogal
Mummy on the Orient Express Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
The Name of the Doctor Rebecca Trotman, Katrina Aust
New Earth Ceres Doyle
The Next Doctor Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Night Terrors Rebecca Trotman
The Nightmare Man Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Nightmare in Silver Rebecca Trotman, Katrina Aust
Nightvisiting Christine Kelly, Hayley Williams
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Once, Upon Time Brooke Taylor Michael, Joe Keirle
Orphan 55 Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Out of Time Matt Mullins
Oxygen Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Pandorica Opens Rebecca Trotman
The Parting of the Ways Ceres Doyle
Partners in Crime Carmen Sanchez Roberts
The Pilot Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
Planet of the Dead Lee Bhogal
The Power of Three Rebecca Trotman
The Power of the Doctor Joseph Keirle
Praxeus Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Prisoner of the Judoon Lee Bhogal
The Pyramid at the End of the World Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
Random Shoes Matt Mullins
The Rebel Flesh Rebecca Trotman
Resolution Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Return of Doctor Mysterio Rebecca Trotman
Revolution of the Daleks David Davies (assistant editor), Charlotte Baker
The Rings of Akhaten Rebecca Trotman, Katrina Aust
Rise of the Cybermen Ceres Doyle
Robot of Sherwood Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
Rosa Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Rose Ceres Doyle
The Runaway Bride Ceres Doyle
The Satan Pit Ceres Doyle, Matt Mullins
School Reunion Ceres Doyle
Secrets of the Stars Lee Bhogal
The Shakespeare Code Ceres Doyle
Sky Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Sleep No More Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
Small Worlds Matt Mullins
Smile Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
Smith and Jones Ceres Doyle
The Snowmen Rebecca Trotman
The Sound of Drums Tim Hodges
Spyfall Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Survivors of the Flux Brooke Taylor Michael, Joseph Keirle
The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith Lee Bhogal
They Keep Killing Suzie Matt Mullins
Thin Ice Rebecca Trotman, David Davies (assistant editor)
Time Heist Carmen Sanchez Roberts, Katrina Aust
The Time of Angels Cat Gregory
The Time of the Doctor Katrina Aust
The Timeless Children David Davies (assistant editor), Charlotte Baker
To the Last Man Matt Mullins
Tooth and Claw Ceres Doyle
A Town Called Mercy Rebecca Trotman
The Tsuranga Conundrum Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
Twice Upon a Time David Davies (assistant editor)
Under the Lake Rebecca Trotman
The Unicorn and the Wasp Carmen Sanchez Roberts
The Unquiet Dead Ceres Doyle
Utopia Tim Hodges, Matt Mullins
The Vampires of Venice Rebecca Trotman
The Vanquishers Brooke Taylor Michael, Joseph Keirle
The Vault of Secrets Carmen Sanchez Roberts
Victory of the Daleks Cat Gregory
Village of the Angels Hayley Williams, Brooke Taylor Michael
Vincent and the Doctor Rebecca Trotman
Voyage of the Damned Carmen Sanchez Roberts
War of the Sontarans Hayley Williams, Brooke Taylor Michael
The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Lee Bhogal
The Witch's Familiar Rebecca Trotman, Steven Waltham
The Witchfinders Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
The Woman Who Fell to Earth Hayley Williams, David Davies (assistant editor)
World War Three Ceres Doyle
The Zygon Invasion Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon
The Zygon Inversion Rebecca Trotman, Robbie Gibbon

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