

  • ️Sun Nov 03 2024

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A basket containing the Doctor's scarf in a hypothetical situation. (PROSE: Cassandra [+]Loading...{"name":"\"cassandra\"","series":"[[DWA 1]]","anthology":"Things to do with a Defeated Enemy","page":"16","1":"Cassandra (short story)"})

A basket was a container made for carrying items, often made from a fibre.

In 1841 baskets were used to carry vegetables by traders in London. (TV: Thin Ice [+]Loading...["Thin Ice (TV story)"]) Likewise on Hyspero market traders sold fruits in baskets. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress [+]Loading...["The Scarlet Empress (novel)"])

On Alzarius river fruits were collected in baskets. (TV: Full Circle [+]Loading...["Full Circle (TV story)"])

During the Daleks' invasion of Earth in the 2167 those working in their Bedfordshire mining operation took away the mine spoil in baskets. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Loading...["The Dalek Invasion of Earth (TV story)"]

On bicycles[[edit] | [edit source]]

Whilst in Cambridge in 1979 both the Chris Parsons and the Fourth Doctor rode bicycles with baskets on the front, the latter also had The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey for a time whilst evading Skagra. (TV: Shada [+]Loading...["Shada (TV story)"])

Likewise Bernice Summerfield also had a similar bicycle on Dellah to get around St Oscar's University in 2593. (PROSE: Oh No It Isn't! [+]Loading...["Oh No It Isn't! (novel)"])

Storage[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Psychic Circus had many large baskets for performance and stowage. (TV: {[cs|The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (TV story)}})

Exotic fruits were sold in a market on Tiaanamat, which were stored in baskets. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

In a hypothetical series of events where Lady Cassandra had not exploded and instead became a beach towel, she was once hung from a washing line near a basket containing the Doctor's scarf. (PROSE: Cassandra [+]Loading...{"name":"\"cassandra\"","series":"[[DWA 1]]","anthology":"Things to do with a Defeated Enemy","page":"16","1":"Cassandra (short story)"})

Proverbs[[edit] | [edit source]]

"to put all your eggs in one basket" was a common saying. (TV: The Seeds of Death [+]Loading...["The Seeds of Death (TV story)"], The Time Warrior [+]Loading...["The Time Warrior (TV story)"]}

See also[[edit] | [edit source]]