Cecelia Pollard
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Cecelia Eriphyle Pollard, also known as Sissy, was the third daughter of Lord Richard and Lady Louisa Pollard and younger sister of Peggy and Charley.
Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]
Early life[[edit] | [edit source]]
Cecelia Eriphyle Pollard (AUDIO: A Blind Eye) was born after 1912 (AUDIO: Neverland) to Lord Richard (AUDIO: Memory Lane) and Lady Louisa Pollard. She had two elder sisters: Peggy and Charley, (AUDIO: Zagreus) whom she and the family called "Lottie". (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)
When Sissy was thirteen, Richard took her on a fox hunt. She enjoyed the blood and gore and Charley believed that this changed her. (AUDIO: The Next Life) She was part of a badminton group made up of people that Charley described as the most ghastly people she had ever met. (AUDIO: The Viyran Solution)
Sissy attended finishing school at the same time as her sisters and was greatly upset when Charley disappeared to Bedfordshire. Her mother suspected that she would be "mewling like a kitten" with Peggy. (AUDIO: Zagreus)
Involvement in fascism[[edit] | [edit source]]
In the 1930s, Sissy became personally acquainted with Sir Oswald Mosley and joined the League of English Fascists, (AUDIO: A Blind Eye) something that her parents did not approve of as they considered fascists to be "a rum lot". By November 1936, by which time she had lost contact with her parents, (AUDIO: The Fall of the House of Pollard) Sir Oswald had made her the League's official observer in Munich.
Sissy sent messages back to Sir Oswald of all the things that Adolf Hitler was doing for Germany and met the Führer himself once, sitting by his side. She had a box in Nuremberg, went hunting in the Black Forest and often made antisemitic jokes. Around March 1939, she met Torvald (pretending to be a German named Erich Kepler) and came to think of him as her boyfriend, although he was frequently unkind to her. The two went to Nazi Party rallies and receptions together and, according to Erich, she often had sex with Nazis.
On 2 September 1939, Sissy was given an apartment on the Hofmannstraße, entering through the front way whilst the previous residents, the Goldbergs, were escorted out the back. She was, by this time, worried about the imminent war which she believed would be futile. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)
Death[[edit] | [edit source]]
According to history, Sissy went down to the river and shot herself in the head at midnight on 3 September 1939 in the vain hope of showing the United Kingdom and Germany that war between the two would be futile. Mephistopheles Arkadian and Torvald sought to save her, Arkadian wanting to sell her to Muriel Joy as a stuffed Nazi souvenir and Torvald wanting to cause a second anti-time crisis to blackmail Romana II, resulting in Torvald ingratiating himself into her life as Erich.
On 3 September, Sissy received a telegram from the British consulate purportedly sent by Charley (but actually by Arkadian), inviting her to return to England. She adopted a pseudonym, travelled to Switzerland and boarded the Transcontinental Express at Lausanne, meeting Ms Joy and Leela and learning the truth about Erich and his plans after being draw into a second train from the original time track. Erich threw her from the train as it was about to crash into the Presidential TARDIS.
Sissy was returned to Munich where she wrote a letter to Charley admitting that she had been selfish and turned a blind eye to the terrible things that the Nazis had done. As she could not return to England without being imprisoned and had no desire to stay with the Nazis, she chose to commit suicide and shot herself as history dictated. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)
Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]
Sissy was racist, classist and a Nazi sympathiser. She believed that beautiful things should be preserved, justifying keeping different people apart. She believed that World War II would be futile, shooting herself in an attempt to convince Germany and the United Kingdom of this. In the timeline created by Torvald's intervention, she was forced to re-evaluate her views and her dismissal of the death and suffering caused by those who shared them. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)
Appearance[[edit] | [edit source]]
Muriel Joy said that Sissy was "the prettiest thing". Leela noticed a resemblance to Charley, although she did not believe that she carried herself with the same dignity as her sister. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)
Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]
Whilst the plot summary for A Blind Eye spells Sissy's name as "Cecelia", India Fisher is credited as playing "Cecilia".
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