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A century was a period of time equal to a hundred years.

When the Fourth Doctor got his age confused between 736 and 739, Romana I, who herself was "nearly" 140, observed that counting one's age would get a "little bit foggy" after the first few centuries. (TV: The Ribos Operation)

In the video game Happy Deathday, played by Izzy Sinclair on the Time-Space Visualiser, the Beige Guardian recalled that the Red and White Guardians stuck him in a gym locker for nearly three centuries. (COMIC: Happy Deathday)

On the night of 31 December 1999, Gigi Trattorio toasted the coming New Century. (PROSE: The Novel of the Film)

Demonstrating the TARDIS to Rose Tyler, the Ninth Doctor first took her a hundred years from 2005 in the 21st century to 2105 in the 22nd century. (TV: Rose)

In the late 19th century, Jack Harkness was informed by a girl that the century would turn twice before he found the Doctor. (TV: Fragments) Indeed, he ultimately reunited with the Tenth Doctor in 2008. (TV: Utopia)

On the night of 31 December 1999, Alex Hopkins, just before commiting suicide, left Torchwood Three as a "gift" to Jack for a century of service as a field operative. (TV: Fragments)

On Christmas 1851, Jackson Lake predicted that the appearance of the CyberKing would become a part of history to be spoken of for centuries to come, to which the Tenth Doctor remarked "Yeah. Funny that." (TV: The Next Doctor) Infact, his next incarnation would recall that no-one remembered the CyberKing, which he attributed to the time field. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

The Eleventh Doctor noted that he had been "rocking" his current body for centuries prior to the Siege of Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Following the Doctor's regeneration into the Twelfth Doctor, Vastra noted that he had "walked this universe for centuries untold." (TV: Deep Breath)