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A cinema was a building dedicated to showcasing films.
On Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Sixth Doctor and Frobisher attended the American premiere of Star Wars at Mann's Chinese Theatre, a cinema in Hollywood, in May 1977. (PROSE: Mission: Impractical)
On 30 March, 1963, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright saw a screening of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning at the Rialto in London. Unbeknownst to them, Susan Foreman and Gillian Roberts had snuck into the same screening by dressing up as adults. (PROSE: Time and Relative)
Shortly following the London UFO crash in 2006, Rachel posted on the website Doctor Who? to ask if any of the aliens were single as she broke up with her boyfriend Robbie last week and she felt it would be a good opportunity to get back at him, suggesting that going to the local cinema in a spaceship would be a bit more impressive than being driven around in Robbie's dad's Mazda. (PROSE: Alien landing confirmed)
The Night Travellers were freed in the Electro, a cinema built upon the Cardiff Rift, after film tape depicting them was played. (TV: From Out of the Rain)
After leaving the Vault, the TARDIS was hit by temporal tsunami and landed in an abandoned cinema. (AUDIO: The Other Side)
While looking after them, the Eleventh Doctor was fooled by Artie and Angie Maitland, who wanted to go the cinema and, eventually, went there under his nose. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)
Ianto Jones told his Torchwood team that his father enjoyed taking him to the cinema. (TV: From Out of the Rain)
In 2015, there was an IMAX cinema in Sydney. (PROSE: Big Bang Generation)
A sign for a cinema was present in a street within which a Cyberon materialised. (WC: More Than Human...)
The Old Boathouse Cinema was a cinema in Leith in 2024. (PROSE: {{esquivalience}} [+]Loading...{"chaptname":"Prelude","chaptnum":"1","1":"esquivalience (novel)","2":"'\"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000002-QINU`\"'esquivalience'\"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000003-QINU`\"'"}, {{esquivalience}} [+]Loading...{"chaptname":"Postlude","chaptnum":"3","1":"esquivalience (novel)","2":"'\"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000006-QINU`\"'esquivalience'\"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000007-QINU`\"'"})
Fitz Kreiner saw all nine Star Wars films at a cinema in the 2040s. (PROSE: The Last Resort)
Elsewhere[[edit] | [edit source]]
Cinemas existed on Mondas at the time of the creation of the Cybermen. (AUDIO: Spare Parts)
A cinema was one of the entertainment zones in the Two Streams Facility on Apalapucia. (TV: The Girl Who Waited)
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