
Clock tower

  • ️Fri Mar 01 2024

Clock tower

Clock towers were used for timekeeping.

According to the Tenth Doctor, the clock tower of Big Ben was known simply as the "Clock Tower". (COMIC: The Aquarius Condition [+]Loading...["The Aquarius Condition (comic story)"]) In March 2006, the clock tower was destroyed when the Slitheen craft crashed into it. (TV: World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"]) Reconstruction work lasted to as late as December that year (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Loading...["The Christmas Invasion (TV story)"]) It was also known as St Stephen's Tower (PROSE: Lucy Wilson [+]Loading...["Lucy Wilson (short story)"]) and the Elizabeth Tower, (PROSE: Twenty-First-Century London [+]Loading...["Twenty-First-Century London (feature)"]) "Big Ben" technically being the name of the tower's great bell. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Loading...["The Time Traveller's Almanac (reference book)"])

Tish Jones observed that Southwark Cathedral had a beautiful clock tower, particularly when it was lit up. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment [+]Loading...["The Lazarus Experiment (TV story)"])

The town of Christmas on the planet Trenzalore had a Clock Tower. The Eleventh Doctor moved into the tower when he began defending the town during the Siege of Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Time of the Doctor (TV story)"])

St Luke's University had a clock tower, though in some dimensions, it had never been built. (AUDIO: Dead Media [+]Loading...["Dead Media (audio story)"])

On Gallifrey, the Oldharbour Clock was located on a tower in the Old Harbour. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors [+]Loading...["The Infinity Doctors (novel)"])