Clock tower
- ️Fri Mar 01 2024
Clock towers were used for timekeeping.
According to the Tenth Doctor, the clock tower of Big Ben was known simply as the "Clock Tower". (COMIC: The Aquarius Condition [+]Loading...["The Aquarius Condition (comic story)"]) In March 2006, the clock tower was destroyed when the Slitheen craft crashed into it. (TV: World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"]) Reconstruction work lasted to as late as December that year (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Loading...["The Christmas Invasion (TV story)"]) It was also known as St Stephen's Tower (PROSE: Lucy Wilson [+]Loading...["Lucy Wilson (short story)"]) and the Elizabeth Tower, (PROSE: Twenty-First-Century London [+]Loading...["Twenty-First-Century London (feature)"]) "Big Ben" technically being the name of the tower's great bell. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Loading...["The Time Traveller's Almanac (reference book)"])
Tish Jones observed that Southwark Cathedral had a beautiful clock tower, particularly when it was lit up. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment [+]Loading...["The Lazarus Experiment (TV story)"])
The town of Christmas on the planet Trenzalore had a Clock Tower. The Eleventh Doctor moved into the tower when he began defending the town during the Siege of Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Time of the Doctor (TV story)"])
St Luke's University had a clock tower, though in some dimensions, it had never been built. (AUDIO: Dead Media [+]Loading...["Dead Media (audio story)"])
On Gallifrey, the Oldharbour Clock was located on a tower in the Old Harbour. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors [+]Loading...["The Infinity Doctors (novel)"])