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You may wish to consult Cold (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

Cold was a lack of heat.

The Cold was revived on Earth in 1963. If the First Doctor had not taken it to Pluto, the extreme coldness it caused would have killed all life on the planet. (PROSE: Time and Relative [+]Loading...["Time and Relative (novel)"])

Frostfire gathered heat, resulting in affected objects and people becoming so cold they completely froze. (AUDIO: Frostfire [+]Loading...["Frostfire (audio story)"])

The winter season on Earth was notable for usually being cold. (TV: The Mutants [+]Loading...["The Mutants (TV story)"])

Vostok III was known for its cold winters. (AUDIO: The Haunting of Malkin Place [+]Loading...["The Haunting of Malkin Place (audio story)"])

Proamon was a cold planet orbiting a red giant star. (TV: Dragonfire [+]Loading...["Dragonfire (TV story)"])