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Colonel was a military rank.

On Earth, it was above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier. (TV: The Web of Fear [+]Loading...["The Web of Fear (TV story)"], The Invasion [+]Loading...["The Invasion (TV story)"])

Colonels in the British Army included Ackroyd, (HOMEVID: Unnatural Selection [+]Loading...["Unnatural Selection (home video)"]) Archer, (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Resurrection of the Daleks (TV story)"]) Attwood, (TV: The Highlanders [+]Loading...["The Highlanders (TV story)"]) Hugh Curbishley, (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp [+]Loading...["The Unicorn and the Wasp (TV story)"]) Malcolm Fraser, (GAME: The Iytean Menace [+]Loading...["The Iytean Menace (game)"]) Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, (TV: The Web of Fear [+]Loading...["The Web of Fear (TV story)"]) T.P. Potter, (PROSE: Illegal Alien [+]Loading...["Illegal Alien (novel)"]) George Radlett, (PROSE: The English Way of Death [+]Loading...["The English Way of Death (novel)"]) Edmund Ross, (PROSE: Evolution [+]Loading...["Evolution (novel)"]) James Skinsale, (TV: Horror of Fang Rock [+]Loading...["Horror of Fang Rock (TV story)"]) George Trenchard, (TV: The Sea Devils [+]Loading...["The Sea Devils (TV story)"]) Warburton (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire [+]Loading...["All-Consuming Fire (novel)"]) and Wilson. (PROSE: The Burning [+]Loading...["The Burning (novel)"])

Colonels in UNIT included Ross Brimmicombe-Wood, (AUDIO: The Wasting [+]Loading...["The Wasting (audio story)"]) Emily Chaudhry, (AUDIO: Time Heals [+]Loading...["Time Heals (audio story)"]) Winston Chidozie, (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Loading...["The Legend of Ruby Sunday (TV story)"]) Charles Crichton, (TV: The Five Doctors [+]Loading...["The Five Doctors (TV story)"]) Faraday, (TV: The Android Invasion [+]Loading...["The Android Invasion (TV story)"]) Muriel Frost, (COMIC: Evening's Empire [+]Loading...["Evening's Empire (comic story)"]) Christofer Ibrahim, The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Loading...["The Legend of Ruby Sunday (TV story)"]) Tia Karim, (TV: Death of the Doctor [+]Loading...["Death of the Doctor (TV story)"]) Katayev, (PROSE: The Devil Goblins from Neptune [+]Loading...["The Devil Goblins from Neptune (novel)"]) Alan Mace, (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem [+]Loading...["The Sontaran Stratagem (TV story)"]/The Poison Sky [+]Loading...["The Poison Sky (TV story)"]) Augustus Oduya, (TV: Children of Earth) Philips, (PROSE: The Pit [+]Loading...["The Pit (novel)"]) Vikram Shindi, (AUDIO: Armageddon [+]Loading...["Armageddon (audio story)"]) Walsh (TV: The Zygon Invasion [+]Loading...["The Zygon Invasion (TV story)"]) and Wilson. (HOMEVID: Auton 2: Sentinel [+]Loading...["Auton 2: Sentinel (home video)"])

Colonels in the Wehrmacht included Kessler (COMIC: Me and My Shadow [+]Loading...["Me and My Shadow (comic story)"]) and Schott. (PROSE: Illegal Alien [+]Loading...["Illegal Alien (novel)"])

Colonels in the US Army included Jack Finney (PROSE: First Frontier [+]Loading...["First Frontier (novel)"]) and Stark. (TV: Dreamland [+]Loading...["Dreamland (TV story)"])

Colonels in the Church included Albero, Meme (TV: The Time of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Time of the Doctor (TV story)"]) and Manton. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War [+]Loading...["A Good Man Goes to War (TV story)"])

Morgan Blue was a colonel in the Combined Galactic Resistance. (TV: Into the Dalek [+]Loading...["Into the Dalek (TV story)"])

Marc Forest was a colonel in the Space Security Service. (PROSE: The Outlaw Planet [+]Loading...["The Outlaw Planet (short story)"])

Kortez was a colonel in UNISYC. (PROSE: Alien Bodies [+]Loading...["Alien Bodies (novel)"])

L. V. Mortimer was a colonel in the United States Marine Corps. (PROSE: White Darkness [+]Loading...["White Darkness (novel)"])

Murash was a colonel in the Thal military. (AUDIO: Guilt [+]Loading...["Guilt (audio story)"])

Nasgard, father to Davros and Yarvell, was a colonel in the Kaled Military Elite, (AUDIO: Innocence [+]Loading...["Innocence (audio story)"]) as was Krakor. (AUDIO: Corruption [+]Loading...["Corruption (audio story)"])

Samran was a colonel in Iraq. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Loading...["Eternity Weeps (novel)"])

Sarg (PROSE: The Taking of Chelsea 426 [+]Loading...["The Taking of Chelsea 426 (novel)"]) and Snathe (COMIC: The Betrothal of Sontar [+]Loading...["The Betrothal of Sontar (comic story)"]) were Sontaran colonels.

Adam Shade was a colonel in the Anti-Terror Elite. (PROSE: Ten Little Aliens [+]Loading...["Ten Little Aliens (novel)"])

Sty was a colonel in the Bolkon Context. (PROSE: The Doctor Trap [+]Loading...["The Doctor Trap (novel)"])

White was a colonel in the Dione-Kisumu Company. (PROSE: SLEEPY [+]Loading...["SLEEPY (novel)"])

Ben Wolsey was a colonel in Sir George Hutchinson's war games. (TV: The Awakening [+]Loading...["The Awakening (TV story)"])

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