
Copy/Paste (short story)

  • ️Fri Nov 29 2024

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Copy/Paste was a The Lucy Wilson Mysteries short story released by Candy Jar Books freely on their website because of the Coronavirus isolation of 2020.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

It's 2020 and Lucy Wilson is stuck at home, locked down with her family and feeling glum. She's used to being the hero, but this particular type of heroism is hard and slow. Luckily, her friend Hobo is just a few clicks away. Isn't modern technology amazing?

But why does the video keep glitching? Who's that smiling with Lucy's face? And can she really save the world when she can't even leave her house?

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

While stuck inside due to the COVID-19 lockdown, Lucy and Hobo begin using a videochat service known as "Whoosh" to communicate with one another. During one of these chats, Hobo notices visual glitches in Lucy's chat before an identical duplicate of Lucy splits from the original. Shortly after this, a similar duplicate emerges from Hobo's computer and pulls him into the computer.

Hobo finds himself falling through a neon-and-black realm. After landing in a chamber, Hobo is found by a mysterious vaguely-humanoid being that seemingly rules over this domain. The creature reveals in a gloating manner that it is a native of the "cyberspace" similar to a computer virus. It plans to replace the "heroes of Earth" with copies using Whoosh and reveals that it is called a "Meme Lord" (a title which makes Hobo laugh).

While the Meme Lord gloats about its plans, it is interrupted by Lucy Wilson. Lucy reveals that she used the Meme Lord's Copy/Paste function to summon all of Earth's heroes (including various essential workers). The massive amount of people in the same space is too much for the Meme Lord to handle and it is soon lost under a seething horde of copies. Lucy and Hobo are left to wonder how they will get out of the Meme Lord's domain.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

Story notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Although many short stories were released online during the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first one to explicitly take place during the actual pandemic, as well as the first to reference the virus itself (albeit indirectly).
    • The releases themselves are referenced as well, noting, "Her favourite shows and writers were releasing special free content to keep their fans upbeat and excited, and they could all share that excitement online".
  • Released in the same document was File #161229. This wiki considers it to be a separate story.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

v  e

The Lucy Wilson Mysteries
The Lucy Wilson Collection
The Lucy Wilson Collection:
School Children
Christmas Special
Christmas Crackers
Back in London
Attack of the Quarks
The Best Christmas Ever
The Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Drummers Drumming • Eleven Pipers Piping • Ten Lords Are Leaping • Nine Ladies Dancing • Eight Maids Are Milking • Seven Swans Are Swimming • Six Geese Are Laying • Five Gold Rings • Four Calling Birds • Three French Hens • Two Turtle Doves • A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Other short stories