- ️Sun Nov 03 2024
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Cuba was an island nation located in the Caribbean in the Northern and Western Hemispheres of Earth.
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
19th century[[edit] | [edit source]]
In 1895, Winston Churchill visited Havana, Cuba. (PROSE: The Lost Diaries of Winston Spencer Churchill; AUDIO: Young Winston)
20th century[[edit] | [edit source]]
Miss Foster was a Cuban spy in the United Kingdom in 1951. (AUDIO: Zagreus)
Cuba was the focus of the Cuban Missile Crisis confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States of America (AUDIO: 1963) in October 1962. (PROSE: Heart of TARDIS, Time and Relative)
On 3 February 1980, Isley was sent to assassinate a target in Cuba. While on the mission, her android nature was discovered, and she "eliminated" fifty witnesses. This caused a diplomatic incident between the US and Cuba and caused the US to suspend its android-making program. (PROSE: Nuclear Time)
21st century[[edit] | [edit source]]
In 2009, Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams went to Cuba for a ten-day honeymoon after their wedding. (PROSE: SkyPoint)
In 2015, relations between the United States and Cuba remained tense. (AUDIO: The Eight Truths)
The Cuban capital, Havana, hosted the 2044 Olympic Games. (TV: The Waters of Mars)
At some point in the 21st century, the Doctor attended Fidel Castro's funeral in Havana, Cuba. (PROSE: Revolution Man)