
Dalek hunter drone

  • ️Wed Sep 11 2024

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Dalek hunter drones were a type of Dalek used in the Last Great Time War.

Abilities[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dalek hunter drones were Daleks designed for reconnaissance activities in the Last Great Time War. According to Norvid, most hunter drones were not equipped with weaponry, although hunter drones of the Hunter class possessed two gunsticks, (AUDIO: The Conscript [+]Loading...["The Conscript (audio story)"]) and the hunter drones active during the Dalek invasion of the Obsidian Nebula also possessed weaponry. (AUDIO: The Lady of Obsidian [+]Loading...["The Lady of Obsidian (audio story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

During the Daleks’ invasion of the Kaiphos Occlusion, a wave of Dalek hunter drones killed the Time Lord crew of the Project Revenant facility. (AUDIO: Desperate Measures [+]Loading...["Desperate Measures (audio story)"])

A Dalek hunter drone of the Hunter class was sent to the Moon of Tenacity to gather information for the Daleks to begin an attack on the Gallifreyan Military Moon Base based on the planetoid. It exterminated Norvid before the Fourth Tamasan destroyed it, although by that time the hunter drone had already broadcast its gathered information to the rest of the Daleks, allowing a Dalek Fleet to begin their attack on the Moon of Tenacity. (AUDIO: The Conscript [+]Loading...["The Conscript (audio story)"])

Later in the Time War, during a Dalek assault on the Obsidian Nebula, numerous Dalek hunter drones were ordered by the Dalek Time Strategist to sweep through the system to systematically exterminate the Nebula's inhabitants. However, one of the hunter drones was captured by the Obsidian pirates; it attempted to use an emergency temporal shift to escape, but failed, and simultaneously destroyed itself and opened a portal to potential time, granting the Unlived entry to N-Space. (AUDIO: The Lady of Obsidian [+]Loading...["The Lady of Obsidian (audio story)"])

v  e

Dalek variants

Dalek EmperorEmperor's Personal GuardSupreme DalekPursuer-DalekBoarding DalekDalek ControllerSupreme ControllerDalek Section LeaderDalek leaderDalek CaptainDalek LieutenantDalek droneDalek scientistDalek guardDalek engineerDalek administratorDalek StrategistPilot DalekDalek SupervisorBlack Dalek LeaderDaleks of human originReconnaissance scoutScout DalekDalek Prime / Prime DalekDalek Puppet EmperorSpecial Weapons Dalek (Standard Battle typeAirborneTorpedo Dalek) • Minder DalekGlass DalekDalek CommanderDalek Saucer CommanderDalek Fleet CommanderChief Dalek / Sub-commander DalekDalek mutantMarine DalekSpider DalekStriderBattle computerMarsh DalekAsymmetrical DalekTime-Sensitive DalekDiamond DalekDalek Time StrategistDeath Squad DaleksMechanus Attack DalekFlamethrower DalekHumanised DalekAsylum Dalek

Greek letters
Manipulator arm
Unique individuals
Thousand Year War
Golden Emperor era
2254 Earth invasion
Second Dalek War
Dalek Civil War
Dalek Hive
Restoration Empire
Last Great Time War Empire
New Empire
New Paradigm
Orcini New Dalek
Far future
Other realities
The Mentor's universe
Skaro Degradations
The Warrior's universe
Dalek Combat Training Manual
From sources considered outside
the "mainstream" DWU by this Wiki

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