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Ducks were a species of bird. People fed bread to them. Hex considered that the life of a duck must be nice and simple. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family [+]Loading...["A Death in the Family (audio story)"])
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Anatosaurus was a species of dinosaur whose name meant "duck lizard". This was primarily owing to their duck-like beak. However, when travelling back to 80 million years before the 20th century, the Fourth Doctor observed that their behaviour was also duck-like, including spending most of their time in or near water. (PROSE: The Doctor Who Dinosaur Book [+]Loading...["The Doctor Who Dinosaur Book (novel)"])
Quackers was a duck who once rode in a boat with Tich. (GAME: TV Terrors Autograph Hunt [+]Loading...["TV Terrors Autograph Hunt (game)"])
A duck once got into the Doctor's TARDIS when it landed next to a river in Windsor, but the Seventh Doctor ushered it out. (TV: Silver Nemesis [+]Loading...["Silver Nemesis (TV story)"]) At one point, another duck was seen swimming in the same river. (TV: Untitled [+]Loading...["Untitled (1988 TV story)"])
Donald Duck was, depending on whom was asked, either a cartoon character or a real performer. (TV: Disney Time [+]Loading...["Disney Time (TV story)"])
The Doctor and Ace encountered ducks again on the grounds of Margrave University while travelling with Raine Creevy in 2001. Ace treated them as food, which Raine passionately disagreed with, finding them "so cute". (AUDIO: Animal [+]Loading...["Animal (audio story)"])
A duck wearing a pink bow tie was depicted on a postcard hanging on the fridge in Rani Chandra's house. (TV: The Mark of the Berserker [+]Loading...["The Mark of the Berserker (TV story)"])
Leadworth had a duck pond which didn't have any ducks, yet Amy Pond still knew that it was a duck pond. (TV: The Eleventh Hour [+]Loading...["The Eleventh Hour (TV story)"]) The Eleventh Doctor later realised that the ducks had been erased from history by cracks in time. (TV: Flesh and Stone [+]Loading...["Flesh and Stone (TV story)"])
The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory later had a picnic near a duck pond in New York City's Central Park. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan [+]Loading...["The Angels Take Manhattan (TV story)"])
Clifford Banks resembled a human with a duck's bill. (COMIC: Interstellar Overdrive [+]Loading...["Interstellar Overdrive (comic story)"])
When introducing the digitised Donna Noble to the simulated world of the Library's data core, Doctor Moon took her to the riverside to feed bread to some unseen ducks. (TV: Forest of the Dead [+]Loading...["Forest of the Dead (TV story)"])
As food[[edit] | [edit source]]
When experiencing the appetite of an androgum, the Second Doctor recalled having dined on (amongst other things) pressed duck at the Tour d'Argent. (TV: The Two Doctors [+]Loading...["The Two Doctors (TV story)"])
Ace suggested that ducks would pair nicely with plum sauce and a side of fried rice. (AUDIO: Animal [+]Loading...["Animal (audio story)"])
Duck was served as a meal in Chinese restaurants. Elton Pope wanted to enjoy crispy aromatic duck when he invited Ursula Blake for some Chinese at The Golden Locust. (TV: Love & Monsters [+]Loading...["Love & Monsters (TV story)"])
As Rose Tyler recalled, foie gras was made by forcefeeding ducks or geese. She used it as a frame of reference when she learnt that the Slitheen had been harvesting and selling the livers of those who ate at MXQ1. (AUDIO: The Taste of Death [+]Loading...["The Taste of Death (audio story)"])
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