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Earthling or Earthman was one of the names given to inhabitants or natives of the planet Earth.

The Daleks used an Earthmen Detector to pursue the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. (COMIC: The Daleks Are Foiled) The Second Doctor was once identified as an Earthling by the Mondasian Cybermen. (COMIC: The Coming of the Cybermen)

The Sontaran Marshal, believing the Fourth Doctor to be a human from Earth, addressed the Doctor as "Earthling". (TV: The Sontaran Experiment)

The Fifth Doctor, while explaining to Monarch that not all of his party were from Earth, described his human companion Tegan Jovanka as an Earthling. The Doctor later referred to the humans on board Monarch's ship as Earthlings. (TV: Four to Doomsday) The Doctor again introduced Tegan as an Earthling to the Cybermen, who themselves referred to humans as such during their conflict in 2526. (TV: Earthshock)

On Titan III, the Sixth Doctor identified Romulus and Remus Sylvest as Earthlings. (TV: The Twin Dilemma)

When the Trion Vislor Turlough saw the human Peri Brown was drowning off the coast of Lanzarote, he tutted "Earthlings" to himself before coming to her rescue. (TV: Planet of Fire)

Shortly before the Toclafane invasion of Earth and the start of the Year That Never Was, the Saxon Master broadcast a message to the humans of Earth, saying, "So, Earthlings, basically, end of the world. Here come the drums!" (TV: The Sound of Drums)

Enlisting the services of a footman to retrieve the Doctor's TARDIS in Victorian London, the Sontaran Strax addressed him as "Earthling scum." (TV: Deep Breath)

On the Hyperion III in 2986, a Mogarian, along with Hallett, who was disguised as one, referred to humans as Earthlings. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids)

Even years after she bonded with the Gestalt and started travelling through time and space, Kady Williams continued to think of herself as "an Earthling". She cited this as the reason she liked store-bought biscuits. (PROSE: Ring Theory)