

  • ️Wed Dec 04 2024


An empire was a state which controlled more than one culturally distinct population groups. These were often different planets and/or species. Empires were usually led by an emperor, (TV: Nightmare in Silver) or empress, (TV: Empress of Mars) who could be elected or hereditary.

The First Doctor told his companions Vicki Pallister and Steven Taylor that every empire in the history of the galaxy eventually collapsed. (AUDIO: Upstairs) Ashad agreed with this, but noted that empires could rise again. (TV: Ascension of the Cybermen)

Earth empires[[edit] | [edit source]]

Human empires[[edit] | [edit source]]

There were many empires through time and space. Earth itself had several empires in its history. One of its earliest known empires was the Roman Empire, that centred in the city of Rome. (TV: The Big Bang) Although it eventually fell, (TV: Day of the Moon) with the Eastern Roman Empire remaining based in Constantinople until it was captured by the Turks in 1453, (PROSE: Shadowmind [+]Loading...["Shadowmind (novel)"], GAME: "Amy's Profile: The Romans" [+]Part of Amy's History Hunt, Loading...{"namedpart":"Amy's Profile: The Romans","1":"Amy's History Hunt"}) it would later come about again as the New Roman Empire, a civilisation that flourished around the year 12005. (TV: The End of the World)

The Huns ruled a vast tribal empire centred around the region that would later become Kazakhstan. (PROSE: Combat Magicks)

The largest Earth empire encompassed by a single nation was the British Empire, the empire of the United Kingdom which spread across the Earth. (TV: Tooth and Claw, The Empty Child, Empress of Mars, Demons of the Punjab) When the British colonised India, Queen Victoria took the title Empress of India. (GAME: "Amy's Profile: Queen Victoria" [+]Part of Amy's History Hunt, Loading...{"namedpart":"Amy's Profile: Queen Victoria","1":"Amy's History Hunt"}) By 1850, the British Empire was considered the most powerful empire in Earth's history up to that point. (AUDIO: 1963: The Assassination Games)

The nation of Japan also had it's own empire, which was the prominent power in Asia during the first half of the 20th century. (PROSE: The Shadow of Weng-Chiang) The Empire's ultimate aim was to unite Asia under the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. (PROSE: The Face of the Enemy) The Japanese and British Empires fought against each other during the Second World War. While Japan initially succeeded in taking Britain's colonies in Singapore (AUDIO: The Forsaken) and Burma into it's own empire, (PROSE: Just War, The Scales of Injustice)

Britain (serving as part of the Allied powers) ultimately proved victorious in the conflict, (PROSE: Magic of the Angels) though its Empire would decline in the following years (TV: The Idiot's Lantern [+]Loading...["The Idiot's Lantern (TV story)"]) and was no longer in existence by the 2000s, when the Torchwood Institute aspired to bring establish it again before Torchwood London was destroyed in the Battle of Canary Wharf. (TV: Army of Ghosts [+]Loading...["Army of Ghosts (TV story)"]/Doomsday [+]Loading...["Doomsday (TV story)"])

Humanity also grew to eventually have galactic empires. While the date is uncertain, the first official Earth Empire formed in either 2501 by EarthGov, (PROSE: The Monsters Inside) or 2530s, by the Earth Federation. (PROSE: The Colony of Lies) By around the year 4000 (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) the Earth Empire's successor, the First Great and Bountiful Human Empire came into being. (AUDIO: The Lost Flame) In the 42nd century, the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire had influence in the Tri-Galactic. (TV: Planet of the Ood) Humanity later developed the Third Great and Bountiful Human Empire, which the Eleventh Doctor described as "neither great, nor bountiful, nor overwhelmingly human". (COMIC: A Fairytale Life)

The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire was manipulated by the Jagrafess, closing it off from other empires which it had co-existed with, (PROSE: Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia [+]Loading...["Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia (reference book)"]) until his death in the year 200,000. (TV: The Long Game) However, the Jagrafess himself had been installed by the Daleks who continued their "long game" before invading Earth and subsequently being destroyed by the Bad Wolf in 200,100. The Ninth Doctor was aware of human colonies active at this time, (TV: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways) and both the Tenth Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness anticipated that Earth would eventually rebuild following the invasion. (TV: Born Again, AUDIO: The Year After I Died)

By the year 5000000000, the New Earth Empire (the official successor to the original Earth Empire) was created and governed by humans across the Earth. (COMIC: Agent Provocateur)

Humanity was also once directly controlled by another alien force, the Saxon Master, who formed the New Time Lord Empire, with the Toclafane acting as his army to rule over Earth during the Year That Never Was. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)

Earth's empires also did battle with other alien races. One notable example is the Draconian Empire which was the interstellar empire of the Draconians. (TV: Frontier in Space) The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire also fought and lost against the Daleks. (TV: The Parting of the Ways) Emperor Ludens Nimrod Kendrick Cord Longstaff XLI, Defender of Humanity and Imperator of Known Space, led his human empire in battle against the Cyberiad, a Cyberman empire. (TV: Nightmare in Silver) In 1881, soldiers from the British Empire (serving under Queen Victoria, Empress of India) fought against the Ice Queen Iraxxa on Mars, where she attempted to revive her empire of Ice Warriors. The conflict ended with the humans and Ice Warriors forming an alliance. (TV: Empress of Mars)

A variant of Rose Tyler led an empire that comprised the planets she had liberated. (COMIC: Empire of the Wolf)

Other[[edit] | [edit source]]

Before the dawn of humanity, the Silurians ruled the Silurian Empire on Earth before they were forced into hibernation. (GAME: A Brief History of Space and Time [+]Loading...["A Brief History of Space and Time (game)"])

Alien empires[[edit] | [edit source]]

Species beyond earth also created their own empires.

The Daleks had their own Dalek Empire spanning throughout time and space, (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth) and a Second Dalek Empire. (PROSE: Roots of Evil) After a brief period where it rebranded itself as the Restoration Empire, (PROSE: The Restoration Empire) the Dalek Empire served and died in the Last Great Time War. (TV: Dalek, The End of Time, The Day of the Doctor) After the war, Davros created a New Dalek Empire, which was eventually slaughtered by the Meta-Crisis Doctor. (TV: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End) Three survivors of the New Dalek Empire managed to raise the New Dalek Paradigm. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) After the Paradigm suffered multiple defeats at the hands of the Eleventh Doctor, the Daleks rebranded their state as the "Resurrected Dalek Empire". Historians who studied the Dalek race pondered that this empire had devoted the whole of its military might to the Siege of Trenzalore and had been military defeated at the conflict's end. (PROSE: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) Though other accounts suggested that the Paradigm endured. (PROSE: How to be a Time Lord)

The Sontarans had their own Sontaran Empire. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem, The Poison Sky) They held a deep rivalry with the Rutans, (TV: The Sontaran Experiment) who had their Rutan Empire, the hive minded empire of the Rutan Host, ruled by the Rutan Queen. (TV: Horror of Fang Rock, PROSE: Shakedown)

The CyberIsomorphs had their own Cyber-Force, the overarching collaboration of their forces. (TV: Silver Nemesis) Other Cyber-subspecies operated the Cyberiad, (TV: Nightmare in Silver, COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen) and the Cyber-Empire. (COMIC: The Bidding War, TV: Ascension of the Cybermen, The Timeless Children)

The Logistomancer ruled over A32K, a cold empire of logic, for ten thousand years. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)

The empire of the Chelonian race of Chelonia was called the Chelonian Empire. (PROSE: The Well-Mannered War)

The Levithia was one of several planets aligned in the Cyrrhenic Empire. (TV: The Ribos Operation)

The immortal alien tyrant known as Horath ruled over the Dark Empire. (TV: Enemy of the Bane)

The Drashani Empire was a galaxy-spanning feudal empire, known for its power. (AUDIO: The Burning Prince)

The Eleven-Day Empire was created by the Faction Paradox from the lost eleven days — 2 September through 14 September 1752. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

The Gubbage Cone Empire was the empire of the Gubbage Cones. (PROSEThe Crystal Bucephalus)

The original empire from the planet Manussa was the Manussan Empire. (PROSE: Snakedance)

The Morok Empire was the empire of the Morok race. (TV: The Space Museum)

The Selachian Empire was the empire of the Selachians. (PROSE: The Final Sanction)

The Shagrock Empire was a major force in Mutter's Spiral. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)

The Skonnan Empire acted as the governing body of the Skonnans which controlled hundreds of planets. (TV: The Horns of Nimon)

The Slow Empire was an empire established millions of years ago by a humanoid race of unknown origin. (PROSE: The Slow Empire)

The Sumaran Empire was created by the Mara. (PROSE: Snakedance)

The Dominators ruled the Ten Galaxies with their Quark servants. (TV: The Dominators) Some Quarks eventually broke off and founded their own empire. (COMIC: Invasion of the Quarks) The Quarks of another reality had an empire that was its universe's dominant power. (COMIC: The Lost Dimension)

The Threllip Empire was the governing body of the Threllips. (AUDIO: Living Legend)

The Tragellans had a governing body known as Tragellan Empire. (COMIC: Beneath the Skin)

The Traken Union classed as an empire. It consisted of a group of five or six allied planets centred on the star system of Mettula Orionsis. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)

The Tymerian race's leader, her Royal Tectrope, ruled over the Tymerian Empire. (PROSE: Forever Autumn)

The governing body of the Ulians was called the Ulian Empire. (PROSE: The Doctor on My Shoulder)

The Knights of Velyshaa created the galactic Velyshaan Empire from Velyshaa. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time)

The Wurms had their own interstellar Wurm Empire. (PROSE: The Art of Destruction)

In a parallel universe, the Klingons operated the Klingon Empire. (COMIC: Assimilation²)

After Pythia had been overthrown, Rassilon led the Gallifreyans in founding the Fledgling Empires, conquering innumerable worlds, allying with those who would not fall. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords) They were one of the earliest interstellar empires in the universe during the Dark Times, (TV: The Runaway Bride) and were at one point regarded as the most powerful empire in the universe. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) Though the Gallifreyan colonies had been liberated by the era of the Time Lords, Gallifrey's dominion was still referred to as an empire during the Last Great Time War. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords) Following the War, the Saxon Master attempted to raise the New Time Lord Empire on Earth. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)

In an era that followed the Fledgling Empires, the Jagaroth had established their own interstellar dominion only for it to grow beyond their ability to control, their subjects rising up against them and wiping them out. (PROSE: City of Death, The Whoniverse)

The Vandos Imperium was a corrupt empire based on the planet Vandos. It fell centuries prior to the 21st century. (COMIC: Mr Nobody)

In the Unbound Universe, the Quatch operated an empire in the same region of space as Skaro. Davros's first batch of Daleks, known as "The Renegades", operated their own Dalek Empire, one whose expansion had been fought against by the Doctor. (AUDIO: Masters of War)