- ️Thu Sep 03 2020
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Funderell was an ocean planet 20 days out from Sol, located in the southeast galactic delta, (AUDIO: The Skin of the Sleek) in the asteroid archipelago. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible) It had two moons, no soil, and was inhabited by humanoids and the Sleeks. Originally having blue water, the ocean became dark-green over thousands of years. It was possible to walk across the surface, but remaining still caused someone to sink. (AUDIO: The Skin of the Sleek) There was no ocean floor. (AUDIO: The Thief Who Stole Time)
After Prydonius publicly denounced the Pythia, the Court of Principals sent him to Funderell. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
Romana II described the planet's village as a "grade 9 sociological enclave" and theorised that the planet was protected by transduction barriers at one point before they degraded. Sartia's records on Funderell, written in "current Gallifreyan" from the 41st Era, described Funderell as a "Grade 3 planetoid" that had been off-limits for 46,000 years, with trespassing punishable by memory-wipe or dispersal.
According to the Time Lord files, Funderell was placed on a weak point in space and time where parallel timelines could be accessed. It was placed in a transduction barrier and had a local service team to keep it there. (AUDIO: The Skin of the Sleek)
The Fourth Doctor theorised that the Time Lords forgot about Funderell millennia ago, during the great cut-backs of the 53rd Bureaucratic Regime. When he reset the planet, it restored the sea to its original blue colour. (AUDIO: The Thief Who Stole Time)