
Gorgon (mythology)

  • ️Sat Feb 10 2024

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Gorgon (mythology)

The depiction of Gorgons in Greek mythology as a human-like being with snakes for hair that turned people to stone by "looking horrible" was dismissed by Maria Jackson as a fairy story, and by Sister Helena as the "melodramatic" Greeks embellishing a true story of three parasitic aliens that came to Earth around 1000 BC and used humans as hosts. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon [+]Loading...["Eye of the Gorgon (TV story)"]) According to another account, they were real beings originating from Earth and were encountered by the First Doctor, John, and Gillian. (COMIC: The Gaze of the Gorgon [+]Loading...["The Gaze of the Gorgon (comic story)"])

According to a book read by Maria, the Greek myths described the Gorgons as three hideous daughters of Phorcys the sea god and Ceto. Sarah Jane Smith identified them as Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Medusa was killed by Perseus as a challenge. Sarah Jane recalled in some versions of the story there was a singular Gorgon, Medusa, who was originally a beautiful nymph with golden hair that Poseidon fell in love with. Athena turned her into a Gorgon out of jealousy. As Sister Helena admitted, the myth was based on the actual parasitic Gorgon race the St Agnes Abbey served. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon [+]Loading...["Eye of the Gorgon (TV story)"])

According to another account, a Gorgon left Earth for Zeno, where it began turning the inhabitants to stone. When the First Doctor, John and Gillian arrived on Zeno, they saw all the statues and realised what had happened to the people. They put on blindfolds and used Gillian's mirror to show the Gorgon its reflection, turning it to stone. (COMIC: The Gaze of the Gorgon [+]Loading...["The Gaze of the Gorgon (comic story)"])

After her death, Katarina saw a Gorgon in the Underworld. (PROSE: Katarina in the Underworld [+]Loading...["Katarina in the Underworld (short story)"])

Hades had some kind of Gorgons in his employ. (PROSE: Deadly Reunion [+]Loading...["Deadly Reunion (novel)"])

Eugene Jones believed that he had some "pre-Gorgon" Pilurian currency in his alien artefact collection. According to Gwen Cooper, however, the coins were Roman. (TV: Random Shoes [+]Loading...["Random Shoes (TV story)"])

Scaroth's house had an emblem of a classic Gorgon on it. (TV: City of Death [+]Loading...["City of Death (TV story)"])

A fictional version of the Gorgon Medusa was encountered in the Land of Fiction. (TV: The Mind Robber [+]Loading...["The Mind Robber (TV story)"])

Christopher Lee and Barbara Shelley starred in the film The Gorgon, which was about a Gorgon. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon [+]Loading...["Eye of the Gorgon (TV story)"])