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Hanging was an execution method in which a person's neck would be broken by a noose tied to gallows. An individual employed to hang criminals was known as a hangman.

In 1651, Sam Swift was meant to be hanged at Tyburn with Ashildr and Leandro planning to use his death to open a portal to Delta Leonis with the Eyes of Hades. The Twelfth Doctor used his psychic paper to claim that Swift had been pardoned by Oliver Cromwell himself, stopping the hanging. The enraged crowd demanded that the Doctor be hanged in his place before Ashildr using the Eyes of Hades on Swift interrupted the proceedings. After the attempted Leonian invasion was thwarted, the crowd cheered Swift's resurrection instead. (TV: The Woman Who Lived [+]Loading...["The Woman Who Lived (TV story)"])

In 1692, several people in Salem Village were sentenced to be hanged for witchcraft, including John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters [+]Loading...["The Witch Hunters (novel)"])

In 1735, the notorious highwaywoman Carole Rose was hanged. (COMIC: Malthill Way [+]Loading...["Malthill Way (comic story)"])

On 16 April 1746, in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden, British Army officers hanged captured Jacobites. (TV: The Highlanders [+]Loading...["The Highlanders (TV story)"])

In the 1860s, Jeremiah Castle was hanged. (AUDIO: Jago & Litefoot & Patsy [+]Loading...["Jago & Litefoot & Patsy (audio story)"])

The hanging of Godsacre for desertion was bungled, leaving a scar around his neck. (TV: Empress of Mars [+]Loading...["Empress of Mars (TV story)"])

In the 1880s, the Fifth Doctor was hanged by a mob under the Tremas Master's control. He survived thanks to his respiratory bypass system. (PROSE: A Town Called Eternity [+]Loading...["A Town Called Eternity (short story)"])

In October 1881, Phineas Clanton and his brothers Ike and Billy threatened to hang Steven Taylor if Wyatt Earp did not release the First Doctor, whom they believed to be Doc Holliday, from prison. They got so far as to put a noose around his neck before Steven was freed by Wyatt Earp. (TV: The Gunfighters [+]Loading...["The Gunfighters (TV story)"])

In 1893, Clarence DeMarco was sentenced to be hanged for murder. (TV: The Name of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Name of the Doctor (TV story)"])

On 17 July 1946, Thomas Hendron was hanged at Walton Gaol. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"])

On Varos in the late 23rd century, the Governor regularly used the threat of hanging to elicit last-minute confessions from his subjects. (TV: Vengeance on Varos [+]Loading...["Vengeance on Varos (TV story)"])

On the Inferno Earth, Great Britain reintroduced public hangings for people convicted of offences such as treason and terrorism. These executions were televised to reassure Party-supporters of the government's willingness to act and to instil fear in its opponents. (PROSE: I, Alastair [+]Loading...["I, Alastair (novel)"])

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