Hebrew (language)
- ️Sat Mar 16 2024
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Hebrew was an Earth language, the tongue of the Jews. (PROSE: Asylum [+]Loading...["Asylum (novel)"]) It was the language in which the Gospel of Mark was originally written. (PROSE: Byzantium! [+]Loading...["Byzantium! (novel)"]) Bernice Summerfield was fluent in Hebrew. (PROSE: Just War [+]Loading...["Just War (novel)"], Twilight of the Gods [+]Loading...["Twilight of the Gods (BNA novel)"]) Sam Jones, on the other hand, when without the TARDIS's aid, could not speak Hebrew, Arabic, or Yiddish. (PROSE: Seeing I [+]Loading...["Seeing I (novel)"]) Ascaris claimed in a letter that the only reason he was rejected priesthood was because he couldn't handle the Hebrew. (PROSE: The Romans [+]Loading...["The Romans (novelisation)"])
Salem Village's name came from the Hebrew world shalom, which meant peace. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters [+]Loading...["The Witch Hunters (novel)"]) Yud Kay Vay Kay — or, in Roman letters, J H W H — was the Judaic name for God. (PROSE: Asylum [+]Loading...["Asylum (novel)"], Life During Wartime) Abiathar, as the Zoot noted to Jacob Abiathar Earl-Thornton, meant Father of Abundance. (PROSE: Earth [+]Loading...["Earth (short story)"]) Beelzebub's etymology was Hebrew: ba'al zebub literally meant lord of the flies. (PROSE: Casualties of War [+]Loading...["Casualties of War (novel)"]) Emet meant truth. (PROSE: Life from Lifelessness [+]Loading...["Life from Lifelessness (short story)"]) The Hebrew word for wind was "Rua'h". (AUDIO: The Sleeping Blood [+]Loading...["The Sleeping Blood (audio story)"])
1920 equated to 5681 in the Hebrew calendar. (AUDIO: The Mouthless Dead [+]Loading...["The Mouthless Dead (audio story)"])
By the 27th century, over 50 percent of the average human population had names derived from either "ancient Earth Hebrew" or Indo-European roots. (PROSE: The Glass Prison [+]Loading...["The Glass Prison (novel)"])
Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]
Several settings in the Doctor Who universe come from Hebrew words. They include, but are not limited to:
- The planet Sheol. In Hebrew, this means "underworld". Located within Sheol, ironically, is the city of Heaven. (PROSE: The Ruins of Heaven)
- The planet Gehenna. In Hebrew, "Geyhenom" means "hell." It was inhabited by Devil-like creatures.
- The town Gehenna. This has the same root. It would be safe to assume that the Jewish colonists who inhabited it named it after the Jewish hell.
- The colony planet Ha'olam. In Hebrew, this means simply "the world" and is the word used in real-world Hebrew to describe Earth. Judging by this and obviously Jewish characters in the novel (like Shoshana Rubernstein), it is safe to assume that the planet has Jewish/Hebrew origins. (PROSE: Seeing I)
- The name Abaddon, the demon trapped under the rift, sounds a lot like the Hebrew word for "doom", אבדון (Avaddon).
The lyrics in Murray Gold's Dalek leitmotifs are often in Hebrew:
- The song, "The Daleks" contains lyrics in Hebrew slang. The chanting lyrics are; "Oh, mah koreh?" meaning "Oh, what is happening?", "Ole sutla" meaning "Ascending higher" and "Koreh gever" meaning "What's up man?".
- The song, "Evolution of the Daleks" contains similar Hebrew lyrics to the above, with the main line being "Dalek Sec, oh mah koreh?", evidently translating to "Dalek Sec, oh what is happening?".
- The song, "The Dark and Endless Dalek Night" also contains similar Hebrew lyrics like the above songs, though the opening line, "Cum tacent, clament" meaning "Whilst silent, they are screaming", is in fact Latin, and is a lyric also found in Song of Freedom.