
Iris: Fifteen (anthology)

  • ️Thu Apr 11 2024

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Fifteen (anthology)

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Iris: Fifteen was an anthology of seventeen short stories celebrating fifteen years of Iris Wildthyme adventures.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

A fifteenth anniversary collection of Iris Wildthyme stories, featuring all sorts of Irises in all sorts of adventures – and don't forget Panda!

Stories[[edit] | [edit source]]

Title Author
The Ninnies on Putney Common Paul Magrs
Gimme Shelter Eddie Robson
Time to Exist [nb 1] Andy Smillie
Party Fears Two Stuart Douglas
God Engine Rhapsody Julio Angel Ortiz
Project: Wildthyme Cavan Scott and Mark Wright
Our Tune Ross Douglas
The Wildthyme Effect Nick Campbell
Ouroboros Neil Chester
In Passing Nick Wallace
Iris at the V&A George Mann
The Golden Hendecahedron Cody Quijano-Schell
Samsāra James Manley-Buser
Iris and the Caliphate Eric Brown
Mix Her Own Adventure Patrick Magee
Scream in Blue Dave Hoskin
Dog Days of Summer Roy Gill

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

The cover features many incarnations of Iris Wildthyme; the "Katy Manning" Iris, the "Edith Sitwell" Iris, the "Beryl Reid" Iris, the "Jane Fonda" Iris, the "Margaret Rutherford" Iris, the "Shirley Bassey" Iris, and Lilith.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. In some versions, this is in-between Mix Her Own Adventure [+]Loading...["Mix Her Own Adventure (short story)"] and Scream in Blue [+]Loading...["Scream in Blue (short story)"]

v  e

Iris Wildthyme series
Big Finish Productions
Series 1
Series 2

Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa

Series 3
Series 4
The Worlds
of Big Finish
Wildthyme on Top
Snowbooks Ltd
Short stories
Resurrection Engines
Obverse Books
Iris Wildthyme and
the Celestial Omnibus
The Panda Book
of Horror
Ms Wildthyme
& Friends Investigate
Iris: Abroad
Wildthyme in Purple
Lady Stardust
Iris: Fifteen
Iris Wildthyme
of Mars
The Perennial
Miss Wildthyme
A Clockwork Iris
Wild Thymes on the 22
Locked In Space
Obverse Sextet
The New Adventures
of Iris Wildthyme
Doctor Who Magazine
Salt Publishing
Twelve Stories
Arcbeatle Press
Down the Middle
Independently published
Christmassy Tales
BBC Books
Origin Stories
BBC Radio 3
The Verb