Ironside Incident
- ️Sun Sep 15 2024
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The Ironside Incident was the Time Lord designation for the event in which the New Dalek Paradigm was established. (TV: Victory of the Daleks, PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) An Ironside Dalek heralded the moment as the restoration of the Daleks. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
Restoration of the Daleks[[edit] | [edit source]]
A single Dalek Saucer and its crew of three Daleks survived the fall of the New Dalek Empire, (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) and fell through time to 1941. They acquired an original Progenitor device, which could create new Daleks, but the device did not respond to them because it did not recognise them as Daleks. The three decided to trick the Doctor into proving to the Progenitor that they were, indeed, Daleks.
They created Edwin Bracewell, an android that was programmed to think of itself as a British scientist who constructed a pair of robot war machines, and provided him with charts and testing results realistic enough to take to the British Army to use in their war with the Nazis. Two of the three Daleks posed as Ironside prototypes. Bracewell rolled out a war-designed variant of the Dalek and put them into key points within the Allied Forces. When not used in battle, they did small tasks such as providing tea to keep up their ruse as just being advanced robots. Winston Churchill informed the Eleventh Doctor of the Ironsides.
When the Doctor arrived a month later, he was furious to discover that the Ironsides were Daleks. When his attempts to convince Churchill of the truth failed, the Doctor confronted the Ironsides directly and declared that he was the Doctor and they, the Daleks, were his enemies. This was recorded by the Ironsides and sent to the Progenitor, which accepted the identification and the Daleks' command to create the new Daleks.
The Ironsides immediately dropped their ruse, revealed Bracewell as an android by blasting off his hand, killed two soldiers, and returned to their ship in orbit. They were followed by the Doctor in the TARDIS. The Doctor confronted them and held the Daleks at bay with a "TARDIS destruct mechanism," actually a Jammy Dodger. The Daleks revealed their intentions and created five new Daleks. The new Supreme Dalek decided that the trio of older Daleks were "impure." The three Daleks accepted this and allowed themselves to be disintegrated by the new Progenitor Daleks, who went on to establish the New Dalek Paradigm. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)
Aftermath and legacy[[edit] | [edit source]]
Unbeknownst to the Doctor at the time, a crack in time was present within the Cabinet War Rooms, a sign of total event collapse. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) Now knowing that he was an android, Edwin Bracewell continued to work for Winston Churchill, being fitted with a new hand. He received one of the final paintings by Vincent van Gogh and presented it to Churchill; together, they recognised it as a message for the Doctor. Churchill tried to ring the Doctor to alert him, but was diverted to River Song in the 52nd century, alerting her to its existence and embroiling her in the Total Collapse Event Incident. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)
Though the Eleventh Doctor claimed to have removed all leftover Dalek technology to preserve the course of the Second World War, (TV: Victory of the Daleks) he would later summon two modified spitfires, one piloted by Danny Boy, in the 52nd century Battle of Demons Run. There, they took out the communications array of Demons Run, preventing Colonel Manton from summoning his fleet. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)
Escaping to the future, the New Paradigm re-established the Dalek Empire, building a new Dalek Fleet and army. Recognising the Doctor as the last of the Time Lords, the Daleks deemed themselves the winners of the Time War and strove towards mastery over space and time only to endure a series of defeats at the hands of the lone Time Lord, from the acquiring and subsequent loss of the Eye of Time, (GAME: City of the Daleks) then the Eternity Clock, (GAME: The Eternity Clock) the Total Collapse Event Incident, (TV: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang) the Dalek Project (COMIC: The Dalek Project) and the Dalek Foundation. (PROSE: The Dalek Generation)
As suggested by human historians, these repeated failures led the Dalek Empire to reinvent itself once again, becoming the Resurrected Dalek Empire. Now governed by a Parliament led by the Prime Minister of the Daleks, the Dalek Imperial Army was restructured with the New Paradigm casings being passed over in favour of the older bronze Daleks, deemed to provoke the most fear across the universe, whilst the original members of the New Paradigm maintained a token presence in the Parliament. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)
The Parliament successfully captured the Doctor and his companions to have them neutralise a greater threat, the Dalek Asylum. However, the resulting Asylum Incident resulted in the Daleks' memory of the Doctor, their constant enemy, being wiped from their pathweb by Oswin Oswald, a human who had been converted in to a Dalek by the Asylum inmates. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks) This gap in the Daleks' collective memory froze the Empire and drove the Prime Minister insane. Centuries passed before the Daleks' heard the universal message broadcast from the crack in time above Trenzalore. Once this message was translated by the Doctor, the Daleks' realised that this message was from the Time Lords, learning that they had survived the fall of Gallifrey. Launching an attack on the Papal Mainframe which protected Trenzalore, the Daleks regained their memory of the Doctor from the cadaver of Tasha Lem, after which the Prime Minister was extermined by the original Supreme Dalek of the New Paradigm who led the Daleks as they fought with "half the universe" over the centuries in the Siege of Trenzalore, which came to an end when the Time Lords granted the Doctor regenerative energy which he used to wipe out the Dalek forces assembled over Trenzalore. Some historians suggested that this marked the "Final End" of the Daleks, though they did acknowledge (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe, TV: The Time of the Doctor) the continued existence of the Daleks' home planet, Skaro, hidden behind an invisible shield. Present on Skaro was Davros, the creator of the Daleks who had also survived the fall of the New Dalek Empire. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar)
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