
Josh Carter

  • ️Wed Apr 03 2024


Joshua Carter, also known as Josh, was a member of UNIT under Kate Stewart's leadership.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early life[[edit] | [edit source]]

Joshua Carter took electrical engineering as one of his modules (AUDIO: Armageddon) but was always outperformed by Anthony Burmaster (AUDIO: Call to Arms) and only achieved a C. (AUDIO: Armageddon) He earnt a science degree (AUDIO: Power Cell) and attended Sandhurst Military School.

Josh had a reputation for being "disruptive, ill-disciplined" and for questioning authority, although he claimed that he only liked to test boundaries and think outside of the box. He spent two years in the Special Reconnaissance Regiment and was experienced in undercover work but did not complete his training at Sandhurst. (AUDIO: Vanguard)

Joining UNIT[[edit] | [edit source]]

Upon joining UNIT, Josh served under Sergeant Warren Culder. (AUDIO: This Sleep of Death) He was a Second Lieutenant in 2009 (AUDIO: The Chiswick Cuckoos) and was later promoted to Captain. He had several clashes with Colonel Vikram Shindi over his recklessness. (AUDIO: Vanguard)

A year before the conflict with the Kamishi, Josh spent some time at a UNIT base under the Rock of Gibraltar, keeping an eye out for Spanish sea monsters in the Mediterranean Sea. The sea monsters turned out to be friendly. (AUDIO: Ice Station Alpha)

The Nestene invasion[[edit] | [edit source]]

Josh risked his life by diving into the River Severn to use a pacifier on a crocodilian, earning him a scolding from Shindi. He went with Petronella Osgood and Shindi to the site of a Nestene energy unit and chased Jacqui McGee after she followed Kate there, being tasked with taking her home after Osgood administered a hypospray to erase her memories. (AUDIO: Vanguard)

Josh researched plastics companies and found a connection between Simon Devlin and Eskdale Petrachemicals, whose purchase of crude oil had increased by 500%. He drove Kate to Devlin Futuretech's headquarters and, afterwards, noticed that they were being followed by Jacqui, who told them of the deaths that she believed were caused by interference with the 3D Futuretech Model 1. Whilst they did not have permission from UNIT Central Control to move in on Devlin, Josh prepared to infiltrate the company. (AUDIO: Earthfall)

Pretending to be Bill Bradley, Josh looked around the Futuretech headquarters and saved Jacqui from the Autons. Osgood appeared to him using the hologram projector and dictated code to him which would create a computer virus to break the Nestene Consciousness's control. He was forced to surrender when the Autons detected him and saved Kate and Jacqui, but Devlin captured him and injected him with a liquid polymer which encased his skeleton and put him under Nestene control. He then erased the computer virus. (AUDIO: Bridgehead)

Josh attacked UNIT, but Osgood used a crystal emitter to cancel the Nestene signal and release him from the Nestene's control. He charged up Osgood's directed energy beam and pushed his way through the dome around Devlin Futuretech's headquarters, using the crystal emitter to incapacitate Devlin and dropping the anti-plastic into the Nestene's tank. Following the Nestene's defeat, Josh went to the gym at the Tower of London to explore his new strength and stamina. (AUDIO: Armageddon)

Tengobushi incident[[edit] | [edit source]]

Josh went with Kate to King Henry's University in search of Professor John Harrison and later went to his home with Osgood and found brain tissue on his floor. He and Kate broke into the King Henry's lab to reclaim UNIT technology from Lyme Industries when Felicity Lyme refused them entry and, the following day, confronted Lyme at her headquarters. Josh went to collect Osgood and Jay Roy from Osgood's flat and fought the Tengobushi, but he and Osgood ultimately only escaped after Jay detonated a plasma grenade, killing himself in the process. (AUDIO: Power Cell)

Whilst Kate and Osgood went to Geneva, Josh remained in London to investigate the explosion at King Henry's and the attack at Osgood's flat. His car was attacked and Corporal Anna Burges murdered by the Tengobushi to absorb her knowledge, so he alerted Kate and immediately headed to Geneva, saving Osgood from a paragliding Tengobushi who killed himself rather than be captured. He later helped save General Grant Avery and boarded an aeroplane to return to the UK with Kate and Osgood, but the Tengobushi attacked. (AUDIO: Death in Geneva)

Josh was able to remove the Tengobushi assassin from the plane thanks to his Auton strength and was tasked by Kate with bringing Lyme to the Tower. He followed Dokan and Chiso into the London Underground and, during the attack on the Tower, he saved Osgood and escorted Sir Peter Latcham to Swordfish One. After Dokan reclaimed the Kamishi energy cell, he left in Swordfish One with Kate, Osgood and Sir Peter. (AUDIO: The Battle of the Tower)

At the UNIT base under the Rock of Gibraltar, Josh and Osgood were locked in a cupboard on the orders of Sir Peter. Josh flew the Peregrine One to get himself, Kate and Osgood to Port Stanley where they met with Sam and took a submarine to Ice Station Alpha to destroy the Kamishi energy cell. He was prepared to sacrifice his life to help Dokan do so and kissed Osgood in the belief that he was about to die, but the Kamishi Masters saved him and returned him to UNIT. He pretended to have forgotten the kiss and helped rebuild the Tower of London. (AUDIO: Ice Station Alpha)

Silent exodus[[edit] | [edit source]]

Josh gave Kate shooting lessons to ensure that her skills did not get rusty and accompanied her to the London Eye when she met with the Eyewitness, whom they discovered was Jacqui McGee. After flying over Helena Faversham's house with Osgood and trying to detect life signs, Josh led the raid of the house and felt compelled to shoot the Silents despite Kate's orders. He escaped the house and was captured by a Silent, who believed that he was ideal for their plans. (AUDIO: House of Silents)

Conditioned by the Silents, Josh came to see Kenneth LeBlanc as a visionary and visited him, offering to help him become Prime Minister. He asked Kate if he could be the one to debrief the incumbent Prime Minister and, after she called for a general election, he was at LeBlanc's side as he made a speech on the news. (AUDIO: Square One)

Josh resigned from UNIT and was put in charge of LeBlanc's security thanks to the Silents' influence. Following their orders, he requisitioned military hardware and prepared to assasinate LeBlanc and kill the outgoing Prime Minister against his wishes. After LeBlanc's victory was announced, Josh drew his gun to shoot him but Osgood knocked him out by hitting him with her holographic projector, which she had used earlier to steal Josh's laptop. He was cared for by UNIT's best psychiatrists. (AUDIO: Silent Majority)

After returning from leave, Josh was put to work in the stores, although he could not remember why. He searched the stores for Osgood's communications technology when the British Rocket Group lost contact with the Unified Space Platform and recovered items that reminded him and Shindi about the Silents and LeBlanc. He recovered Osgood and Sam from the ocean after they fell to Earth, their descent having been tracked by Malcolm Taylor. (AUDIO: In Memory Alone)

Jastrok's revolution[[edit] | [edit source]]

Osgood attempted to contact Josh to send reinforcements to the Lake District to deal with the Silurians and Captain Burmaster later told him about his supposed sabotage of the Silurian nest at Scafell, causing it to go critical. He arrived with reinforcements just before the explosion and met Mike Yates and John Benton. (AUDIO: Call to Arms)

Using the call sign Hawk Four, Josh airlifted Kate, Osgood and Sam to safety after the destruction of the Silurian research base in Greece. (AUDIO: Retrieval)

Josh and Osgood used a mini-submersible to get close enough to the besieged Great Britain to transmat to UNIT HQ. He and Yates met with Jastrok under truce in Westminster Abbey and later, with Osgood and Benton, confronted Kalana at a nuclear base. Josh fought her in single combat to buy the others time to save Jo Jones and disarm the warheads, after which he reflected Kalana's fear trigger back at her and defeated her. (AUDIO: United)

The Auctioneers[[edit] | [edit source]]

Using the name "Simon Carter", Josh travelled to Monte Bosque with Kate, Osgood and Shindi to look into the alien technology that, according to the missing Sam's intelligence, had fallen into the hands of Maria Gonsalves. They found that it was a Dalek and, after the mutant escaped, Josh and Shindi went in search of it and thought that it died in a tank explosion. Osgood realised that this was not the case, however, and it began to reassemble itself in the armoury. Josh and Shindi found its gunstick and damaged the Dalek, leading it to destroy itself. The group were then rescued by UNIT North America, having learnt of the Auctioneers. (AUDIO: The Dalek Transaction)

Josh attended Phoebe Breckenridge's Hallowe'en party and was unable to see the Grey Man that scared her and the other guests. When Kate failed to check in, he and Osgood joined her at Ealdon House and discovered that the phenomenon was caused by resonance to which Josh was immune thanks to his Auton skeleton. He let Shindi know about the cause and passed on Osgood's suggestion that his soldiers wear particular helmets to protect against it. (AUDIO: Invocation)

Because of an Auctioneer travel capsule, Josh and Osgood accidentally travelled to a parallel universe where the two of them were in a sexual relationship, making both of them uncomfortable. He was able to trick the other Osgood into thinking that he was her Josh for a time and was forced to take her back to his universe. After Osgood helped her other self leave, she and Osgood chose not to talk about their other selves' relationship. (AUDIO: False Negative)

The Cyber-invasion[[edit] | [edit source]]

After Sam was returned by Julia Hartley-Price, Josh took Kate back to UNIT HQ and arranged the transport of the Auctioneers' virtual reality technology to the UNIT facility (AUDIO: Game Theory) on Fortress Island.

Josh joined Osgood and Shindi in using the virtual technology to enter a parallel universe and discovered that they were in London after finding the ruins of Piccadilly Circus. He correctly theorised that they could increase their own abilities with their imagination and, unlike Osgood and Shindi, was immune to the virtual cyber-conversion and woke up in control. He and Kate watched as the Cybermen arrived through the dimension bridge. (AUDIO: Telepresence)

Josh and Kate escaped the Cyber-Controller and armed themselves with weapons from the armoury including an emotion gun which Josh found was effective against the Cybermen. They defeated several of them before Josh was attached by a mobile conversion unit and told Kate to leave him and go after the Cyber-Controller. (AUDIO: Code Silver)

After taking control of the conversion unit, Josh indisposed Osgood and the Cybermen and escaped Fortress Island with Kate and the War Master. Their helicopter was guided to the Whitehouse Gallery where they acquired the corrosion virus and freed Sam and Shindi from cyber-control before heading back to Fortress Island. Josh and Shindi tried to maintain the field placed around the island to keep the Cybermen powerless and fought against flying reinforcements from the mainland until Sea Wolf took over. (AUDIO: Master of Worlds)

Old threats[[edit] | [edit source]]

Josh flew Osgood and Sergeant Brundle to the Well with the Wirrn egg left behind by the Master and later gave Shana Siddiqui a brief tour of the facility. He was the sole survivor of the team that fought the Wirrn in the lower levels, his Auton scent being considered off-putting by the creatures, and went on to save Kate from the Wirrn Queen in Windermere and get her to safety. (AUDIO: Hosts of the Wirrn)

When Vara and Norei landed near the Tower of London, Josh welcomed them and was left unconscious by their song. He recovered and, after notifying NATO on Shindi's command, searched UNIT's records for the Kalvyri and found a report on their previous visit to Earth, written by Mike Yates. He and Osgood disobeyed their orders and helped Vara sacrifice herself to destroy Jarrak's fleet with the harmonic cannon and save Norei; Shindi disapproved of Josh's insubordination. (AUDIO: Breach of Trust)

Josh joined Kate and Osgood in travelling to Mundholm to investigate the Pandora Institute, whose methods he was greatly sceptical of. After finding Seth Hyer over Miles McLellan's body, Josh had a one-on-one session with Seth in which he was made to confront his fears about being controlled. He and Osgood found that Miles's time of death meant that Seth had been in two places almost simultaneously and, having exposed him, briefly came under his control until Kate assured them that they were worthy and that Josh was a good soldier. (AUDIO: Open the Box)

New incursions[[edit] | [edit source]]

After Sergeant Warren Calder's suicide, Josh went with Kate and Osgood to Abbey Marston and resurrected him to learn of the location of the Silurian plague that he claimed to have stolen. The Static took over Osgood and forced Josh to look at photographs and names of people who died within a fifty-mile radius to resurrect them and allow the Static to steal new bodies, but he managed to escape after Kate released sleeping gas. When Osgood was restored and set explosives to go off when the telephone rang, Josh helped bring back the Brigadier. (AUDIO: This Sleep of Death)

Josh joined Kate at an oil rig in the North Atlantic to investigate the Animoi's underwater spacecraft. When a waterspout created a powerful whirlpool, Kate had him take everybody inside for their safety. (AUDIO: Tempest)

Observing Exousia Solutions, Josh and Kate were informed by Mr Chant that a body identical to Kate had been found in the control room. Josh helped Kate when she was split into multiple versions due to quantum possibility and operated the Wampeerix technology to contact Osgood, Sam, Jacqui and River Song and move some of them, as well as Vikings and a Baryonyx, through time. He was upset at the prospect of Kate's death and tried to stop her from sacrificing herself to make time resume; ultimately, Osgood saved her. (AUDIO: The Power of River Song)

On the latest of a run of dates, Josh was attacked and captured by Jordan Love and was put in suspended animation to provide energy. He was saved by Kate and Osgood and decided to learn to be happy by himself rather than continue with online dating. (AUDIO: Narcissus)

Protecting the Arch[[edit] | [edit source]]

When Adam Merchant accidentally travelled through the Arch, Josh and his men went to the Void World and rescued him and the Eleven. He helped track the Eleven following his escape and invoked the Lionheart Protocol after he kidnapped Kate, resulting in his temporary capture aboard a UNIT aeroplane. The Eleven managed to escape, however, after Merchant threw himself and the Eleven into the ocean. (AUDIO: The Enemy Beyond)

Josh was left in charge of UNIT whilst Kate and Osgood went to Australia to assist Harry Sullivan and Naomi Cross following the discovery of an Ice Warrior ship in the Northern Territory. (AUDIO: Fire and Ice)

Josh joined Kate in trying to stop the Eleven from stealing jewels sold by the Auctioneers, but failed to prevent him from obtaining the Heartstone from the West London Safe Deposit Centre and the Idol's Eye from Engleby Hall. Josh met with Jacqui for information and she bribed a member of Ava Drake's gang into planting a bug which resulted in Josh and Kate almost being trapped in a paralysis field left for them in the Caledonian Gallery. They managed to escape and saved Jacqui from drowning after the Eleven had her thrown into the sea. (AUDIO: Eleven's Eleven)

When the Eleven learnt of the Arch's new hiding place in the Under Gallery, Josh entered the J. M. W. Turner painting in which it was stored and, with Kate, tried to slow the Eleven down whilst Osgood and the Curator headed for the Arch. The Eleven ultimately incapacitated him and was arrested after the Curator defeated him with a stick. (AUDIO: The Curator's Gambit)

Capturing the Eleven[[edit] | [edit source]]

Josh and Jimmy Tan were tasked with watching the Eleven when Hasper insisted that he was the only one who could repair the damaged Arch, through which Jacqui had fallen. Osgood, Jimmy, the Eleven and the Arch were teleported away by Hasper to his TARDIS, but Josh tracked them down after Osgood crushed a sample of the Arch. Osgood, Jimmy and Jacqui were returned. (AUDIO: The Man From Gallifrey)

With Kate having invited Jimmy to join UNIT, Josh was assigned to train him. (AUDIO: Power of the Dominators)

Osgood and Jacqui were transported across time by a temporal anomaly and Josh and Kate attempted to follow, but instead arrived in 1997 where they met Brigadier Winifred Bambera. Josh returned to the 2010s on Kate's orders to prepare a trap for the Eleven and was told by Jacqui that Osgood had died in the future, but it was soon revealed that this was untrue and she returned to Josh's delight. (AUDIO: The War Factory)

After Kate was taken captive by the Vulpreen, Josh prioritised the destruction of the Arch over her rescue, a stance that he knew she would agree with. He and Osgood managed to get past the Vulpreen and travelled to the Void World where they were reunited with Kate and returned with her to Earth before the Arch was bombed. The bombing, however, energised the Arch and freed the Vulpreen from their prison. (AUDIO: Ten Minutes in Hell)

Vulpreen invasion[[edit] | [edit source]]

Kate, visiting Jacqui in Tromsø, ordered that Josh be informed after the Starseeker was destroyed. (AUDIO: The Vulpreen Encounter)

Josh sent Naomi information on new arches in Alberta and Beijing to give to Kate once she was recovered. Kate sent him to Tromsø to travel through the arch and save Jacqui following her capture, but Axons emerged from it. (AUDIO: By Jacqui McGee)

Josh told Osgood about the Axons and that the trees nearby had begun to grow rapidly, which Osgood found was due to the presence of Axonite. Two of his soldiers, Marsden and Burgess, were drained of energy by Axos which allowed Osgood to deduce their weakness to hydrogen. Josh and his soldiers fought the Axons to allow Naomi and the Eleven to pass through the Canadian arch and later released liquid hydrogen into the ground to poison Axos. (AUDIO: Axos Unleashed)

When the Vulpreen invasion of Earth began, Josh led the soldiers in surrounding and attempting to destroy the hundreds of arches. Lord Varliss recognised Josh through the arches' visual relay and tried unsuccessfully to kill him. He later joined Kate and Jimmy in planted explosives around the asteroid ship and stayed behind to detonate them after the timer was broken, but Daniel Hoyer chose to take his place. Back on Earth, Josh and Osgood helped Kate escape from Varliss and learnt that the Vulpreen were being assisted by Missy. (AUDIO: Time of the Vulpreen)

Vulpreen occupation[[edit] | [edit source]]

Josh and Jimmy were held captive by Varliss for several months and were freed by Osgood, Harry and Naomi, with Osgood sending Josh to inform Kate of Varliss's alliance with Missy and of her construction of the Super Arches. He did so and the base was destroyed a bomb planted by Kate, with Osgood and Jimmy being taken to the Tower of London by Varliss and Harry and Naomi being held in frozen time. (AUDIO: One Way or Another)

After infiltrating the tunnels beneath the Tower with Lorraine Forrester using a submarine, Josh and Kate were reunited with Ashley Bassett and made contact with Osgood using Matilda, a raven of death. Josh freed Jimmy using a time knife and, with Kate and Osgood, they chased after the hypnotised Lorraine to keep her from returning to Missy and followed her through a Vulpreen Arch. (AUDIO: Traitors' Gate)

Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Appearance[[edit] | [edit source]]

When Josh was not in uniform, he wore a suit. (AUDIO: Invocation) He believed that he could lose a bit of weight. (AUDIO: Narcissus)