

  • ️Mon Oct 21 2024


Jupiter (or Sol V) was a gas giant planet located in the Sol system, and the first planet in the system located behind the asteroid belt.

Jupiter had many moons, including Io, (PROSE: Legacy [+]Loading...["Legacy (novel)"]) Ganymede, (PROSE: Jupiter [+]Loading...["Jupiter (short story)"]) Europa, (AUDIO: The Defectors [+]Loading...["The Defectors (audio story)"]) Voga, (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Revenge of the Cybermen (TV story)"]) Ananke, Callisto, Callirrhoe, Carme, Leda, Lysithea, Sinope, Thebe and Umbriel. (PROSE: To the Slaughter [+]Loading...["To the Slaughter (novel)"])

"Primitive races" lived on some of its moons. (COMIC: Invasion of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Invasion of the Daleks (comic story)"]) These included the Europans of Europa. (AUDIO: The Defectors [+]Loading...["The Defectors (audio story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Pre-colonisation period[[edit] | [edit source]]

Prior to the emergence of human civilisation on Earth, a sentient race known as the Jovians evolved on Jupiter. At some point prior to his fifth incarnation, the Doctor visited Jupiter during this era and later told his companions Tegan Jovanka and Turlough that the Jovians had had a beautiful civilisation which had created entirely in their minds. He described the process as being similar to whale song. The Doctor believed that the Jovians had become extinct by the 24th century. (AUDIO: The Jupiter Conjunction [+]Loading...["The Jupiter Conjunction (audio story)"])

In the 64 AD, Ian Chesterton pointed out to Vicki Pallister two bright lights in the sky of Earth, Venus and Jupiter. Ancient astronomers couldn't tell the difference between stars and planets, so instead planets such as Jupiter were referred to as "wandering stars". (PROSE: Byzantium! [+]Loading...["Byzantium! (novel)"])

On 7 January 1610, Galileo Galilei wrote in a letter that he had spotted three of Jupiter's moons. A few months later, he discovered a fourth. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])

At some point, walkways were added, which - according to the Second Doctor made the planet a lot more pleasant. (AUDIO: The Night Witches [+]Loading...["The Night Witches (audio story)"])

In the 1970s, English astronaut Guy Crayford was trapped in orbit around Jupiter and rescued by the Kraals, who used him as their agent. (TV: The Android Invasion [+]Loading...["The Android Invasion (TV story)"])

By 1997, the first manned flight from Earth to Jupiter was being planned for 2001. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Loading...["The Dying Days (novel)"])

The Zarbi Supremo brought Vortis to the vicinity of Jupiter when he attempted to conquer Earth. (PROSE: The Lair of Zarbi Supremo [+]Loading...["The Lair of Zarbi Supremo (short story)"])

Jupiter was listed on a data-grid of previous destinations a spaceship had visited. (GAME: "Past Journeys" [+]Part of Twisted Conundrums 1, Loading...{"page":"17","namedpart":"Past Journeys","1":"Twisted Conundrums (DWA15 1 game)"})

At some stage, the Sol system was given a "spring cleaning" which entailed removing most of Jupiter's moons and leaving the Ancient Twelve. Some of the moons that were destroyed were Carme, Callirrhoe, Umbriel, Thebe and Leda. (PROSE: To the Slaughter [+]Loading...["To the Slaughter (novel)"])

Colonisation period[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Daleks exterminate the primitive races of Jupiter's moons. (COMIC:

Invasion of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Invasion of the Daleks (comic story)"])

Jupiter was eventually colonised by humanity. Following the achievement of independence from Earth, the colonists' government became known as the Jupiter Axis. In 2329, the Axis signed a peace agreement with Earth, ending years of tension between the two powers. In the immediate aftermath of the treaty, the surviving Jovians revealed their existence to humanity. (AUDIO: The Jupiter Conjunction [+]Loading...["The Jupiter Conjunction (audio story)"])

According to the Sixth Doctor, one of the wondrous events that could be seen through the Gogglebox was the opening of the first Jupiter colonies. (AUDIO: The Reaping [+]Loading...["The Reaping (audio story)"])

During the 2400s Dalek invasion of the solar system, the moons of Jupiter were their first target, the Daleks wiping out the primitive native lifeforms. (COMIC: Invasion of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Invasion of the Daleks (comic story)"]) Later, Mary Stone went to Jupiter where she blended three kinds of acid together which ate through the Daleks' silcronium casings. (PROSE: Break-through! [+]Loading...["Break-through! (short story)"])

In their annual meeting on 10 January 2540, the Historical Monuments Preservation Society discussed plans to preserve, amongst others, Jupiter's Great Red Spot. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])

The Nerva Beacon was originally in Jupiter's orbit. (AUDIO: Destination: Nerva [+]Loading...["Destination: Nerva (audio story)"])

After drifting through space, the asteroid Voga became trapped in Jupiter's gravity and began orbiting it. Humans named the new moon "Neo-Phobus", (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Revenge of the Cybermen (TV story)"]) when they discovered it in the 29th century. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])

Josiah W. Dogbolter, at one stage, owned Jupiter, as well as Venus and Mars. (COMIC: The Moderator [+]Loading...["The Moderator (comic story)"])

A space station near Jupiter was quarantined by Disinfectodroids. (COMIC: The Germ War [+]Loading...["The Germ War (comic story)"])

In the year 4000, Jupiter was one of the key targets for the Dalek takeover of the solar system. (TV: Mission to the Unknown [+]Loading...["Mission to the Unknown (TV story)"])

The Daleks terraformed Jupiter as part of a trap for the humans with the Alliance Daleks, populating it with Varga plants. (AUDIO: Dalek War: Chapter Two [+]Loading...["Dalek War: Chapter Two (audio story)"], Dalek War: Chapter Three [+]Loading...["Dalek War: Chapter Three (audio story)"])

The civilisation of Jupiter existed across airships powered by the planet's perpetual storm. The Sixth Doctor, aware of Charlotte Pollard's fondness for airships, attempted to take her there. (AUDIO: These Stolen Hours [+]Loading...["These Stolen Hours (audio story)"])

Undated events[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Eighth Doctor and Sheena could see Jupiter from the Theseus, before it entered hyperspace. (AUDIO: The Starship of Theseus [+]Loading...["The Starship of Theseus (audio story)"]) Bliss boarded the ship from the Jupiter Spaceport, (AUDIO: The Lords of Terror [+]Loading...["The Lords of Terror (audio story)"]) later mentioning having watched her friends die on Titan, before she herself boarded the vessel as a refugee from the Last Great Time War. (AUDIO: Echoes of War [+]Loading...["Echoes of War (audio story)"])

Cultural references[[edit] | [edit source]]

Jupiter was once the call sign of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart whilst on a missile convoy mission. (TV: The Mind of Evil [+]Loading...["The Mind of Evil (TV story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

v  e

The Solar system

Terrestrial planets


(& Theia)
Asteroid belt
Gas giants


Wandering planets


Centaur belt

Kuiper Belt
Oort cloud/
Cometary cloud
Not considered
part of the DWU