List of Doctor Who DVD special features
- ️Tue Jul 23 2024
The following is a list of special features found on DVD releases issued in Region 2, the UK. The vast majority of these special features have also been released in Region 1 (North America) and Region 4 (Australia and vicinity), though occasionally rights issues have prevented this.
This list includes audio-visual featurettes and DVD-ROM material (PDF files, mostly) accessible via personal computer. The list does not generally include features such as audio commentaries or trivia subtitles, since as of fall 2010 all classic-series releases have included these features. Occasionally titles have been reissued with new or different features. Some features included across numerous releases, such as the fortieth anniversary music video, are not included, nor are trailers for upcoming releases.
In cases where stories have been combined into sets (e.g. the first three First Doctor stories which were issued as the box set The Beginning), special features applicable to a specific story have been listed, where possible.
A list of Easter egg special features can be found here - List of Doctor Who easter eggs.
First Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- An Unearthly Child - "The Pilot Episode", Studio Recording of The Pilot Episode (all existing raw footage), Theme Music Video, Doctor Who Night's comedy sketches The Pitch of Fear, The Web of Caves, The Kidnappers, Reeltime Pictures The Corridor Sketch
- The Daleks - Creation of the Daleks
- The Edge of Destruction - Doctor Who: Origins, Over the Edge: The Story of "The Edge of Destruction", Inside the Spaceship: The Story of the TARDIS, Masters of Sound, PDF Documents, Arabic Soundtrack, Marco Polo condensed audio version with slideshow
- The Keys of Marinus - The Sets of Marinus, Sweet cigarette cards, Radio Times listings
- The Aztecs — Remembering The Aztecs, Designing The Aztecs, Cortez & Montezuma, Restoring The Aztecs, Arabic Soundtrack, Making Cocoa, TARDIS Cam No.3, Dr. Forever!: The Celestial Toyroom
- The Sensorites - Looking for Peter, Vision On, Secret Voices of the Sense Sphere
- The Reign of Terror - Don't Lose Your Head, Robespierre's Domain: Animated Backgrounds Tour, Animation Design Gallery
- Planet of Giants - Reconstruction of the original third and fourth episodes, Rediscovering the Urge to Live, Suddenly Susan, The Lambert Tapes: The Doctor, Prop Design Plans (DVD-ROM)
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth - Future Memories, Future Visions, Talking Daleks, Now and Then: The Locations of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Script to Screen, Whatever Happened to Susan Foreman?, Blue Peter, CGI Effects
- The Rescue — Mounting The Rescue
- The Romans — What has "The Romans" ever done for us?, Dennis Spooner: Wanna Write a Television Series?, Roma Parva, Girls! Girls! Girls!: The 1960s, Blue Peter
- The Web Planet - Tales of Isop, The Lair of Zarbi Supremo, The Dr Who Annual 1966, Spanish Soundtrack, Give-a-Show Slides
- The Space Museum - Defending the Museum, My Grandfather, the Doctor, A Holiday for the Doctor, Radio Times listings
- The Chase - Cusick in Cardiff, The Thrill of The Chase, Last Stop White City, Daleks! Conquer and Destroy, Daleks! Beyond the Screen, Shawcraft: The Original Monster Makers, Follow That Dalek, Give-a-Show Slides, Radio Times listings
- The Time Meddler - Verity Lambert Obituary, Verity Lambert Gallery, Stripped for Action: The First Doctor, The Lost Twelve Seconds, The Time Meddler Restoration: Before & After, Radio Times listings
- The Ark - All's Wells That Ends Wells, One Hit Wonder, Riverside Story
- The Gunfighters - The End of the Line?, Tomorrow's Times: The First Doctor
- The War Machines - The War Machines: Now & Then, Blue Peter, One Foot in the Past, WOTAN Assembly, War Machine Design Plan, Radio Times listings
- The Tenth Planet - Frozen Out, Companion Piece, The Golden Age, Boys! Boys! Boys!, Doctor Who Stories: Anneke Wills
- Lost in Time - Introductions to The Crusade VHS release with William Russell, Countdown clock from The Crusade, Surviving clips from The Daleks' Master Plan, The Smugglers and The Tenth Planet, Surviving 8mm location footage from The Smugglers, Surviving 8mm film footage, The Missing Years
Second Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Power of the Daleks - Animation Gallery, Episode Reconstructions, 1993 Audiobook, Original BBC1 Trailer, Surviving Footage Compilation, Original Title Sequence Film, Dalek Session Recordings, Incidental Music, Photogrammetry Featurette, Photo Gallery, From Script to Screen, Behind the Scene, Servants and Masters, Wicker's World, Daleks - The Early Years, Robin Hood, BBC South Today, BBC Wales, Blue Peter, Newsnight, BBC Breakfast Report, Animation Trailers, Animation Test Footage, Animatics, BBC Radio Spots, Original Shooting Scripts
- The Underwater Menace - A Fishy Tale, The Television Centre of the Universe: Part Two
- The Moonbase - Lunar Landing
- The Macra Terror - Episode Reconstructions, The Wheel in Space: Episode 1, Animation Test, Animatics, Animation Gallery, Teaser Trailer, Alternative Black and White Presentation, 1992 Audio Presentation, Surviving Footage, Behind the Scenes Film, Censored Scene, Title Sequences, Photo Gallery, Production Paperwork
- The Faceless Ones - Colour Animated Episodes 1-6, Black & White Animated Episodes 1-6, The Original Episodes 1 & 3, Telesnap Reconstructions of Original Episodes 2, 4, 5 & 6 (with optional Production Subtitles), Face to Face with the Faceless Ones, Stock Footage of Original Production, Surviving Film Fragments, Trailer - Fury from the Deep, PDFs
- The Tomb of the Cybermen - The Lost Giants, The Curse of the Cybermen's Tomb, Cybermen: Extended Edition, The Magic of VidFIRE, Introduction by Morris Barry, Late Night Line-Up, Tombwatch, The Final End, Title Sequence Tests, The Tomb of the Cybermen: Remastering for DVD
- The Ice Warriors - Cold Fusion, Beneath the Ice: Animating the Ice Warriors, Doctor Who Stories: Frazer Hines, Part Two
- The Enemy of the World - Treasures Lost and Found, Recovering the Past: The Search for "The Enemy of the World", Remembering Deborah Watling
- The Web of Fear
- Fury from the Deep - Episodes 1-6 (Colour Animation), Episodes 1-6 (Black & White Animation), Production Subtitles, Surviving Footage, Episode 6 Film Trims, Episode 6 Behind the Scenes Footage, Animating Fury from the Deep, Teaser Trailer, Episodes 1-6 Episode Reconstruction, Info Text Subtitles, The Cruel Sea - Surviving Fury from the Deep, Photo Gallery, The Slide, The Visual Effects - Interview with Peter Day, Interview with Victor Pemberton
- The Dominators - Recharge and Equalise, Tomorrow's Times: The Second Doctor
- The Mind Robber - The Fact of Fiction, Highlander: The Jamie McCrimmon Story, Basil Brush
- The Invasion - Flash Frames: Reanimating The Invasion, Love Off-Air, Trailers, Character Design, Evolution of The Invasion, VHS Links, two episodes restored via animation
- The Krotons - Second Time Around: The Troughton Years, Doctor Who Stories: Frazer Hines, Part One, The Doctor's Strange Love: The Krotons
- The Seeds of Death - Sssowing the Ssseedsss: Musings on being an Ice Warrior, The Last Daleks, New Zealand Censor Clips, TARDIS Cam No.5, Monsters who Came Back for More!, Lords of the Red Planet, Michael Ferguson's Monster Masterclass
- The War Games - War Zone: The End of an Era, Shades of Grey, Now & Then: The Locations of The War Games, The Doctor's Composer: Part One, 1964-69, Sylvia James: In Conversation, Talking about Regeneration, Time Zones: The Truth behind "The War Games", Stripped for Action: The Second Doctor, On Target: Malcolm Hulke, Devious fan film excerpt, PDF material
Third Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Spearhead from Space - UNIT Recruiting Film, Trailers, Down to Earth, Regenerations: From Black and White to Colour
- Doctor Who and the Silurians - Music-only Option, What Lies Beneath, Going Underground, Now & Then: The Locations of Doctor Who and the Silurians, Musical Scales: An Era of Experimentation, Colour Silurian Overlay, Radio Times listings
- The Ambassadors of Death - Mars Probe 7, Tomorrow's Times: The Third Doctor
- Inferno - Can You Hear the Earth Scream?, The UNIT Family: Part One, Deleted Scene, Visuals Effects Promo Film, The Pertwee Years Introduction, Radio Times listings, The Dr Who Annual 1971, Hadoke v Havoc, Dr. Forever!: Lost in the Dark Dimension
- Terror of the Autons - Life on Earth, The Doctor's Moriarty, Plastic Fantastic
- The Mind of Evil - The Military Mind, Now & Then: The Locations of The Mind of Evil
- The Claws of Axos - Behind the scenes (Deleted & Extended Scenes), Now & Then: The Locations of The Claws of Axos, Reverse Standards Conversion: The Axon Legacy, Directing Who: Michael Ferguson on The Claws of Axos, Axon Stations!, Living with Levene
- Colony in Space - IMC Needs You!, From the Cutting Room Floor
- The Dæmons - The Devil Rides Out, Remembering Barry Letts, Location Film, Colourisation Test, Tomorrow's World
- Day of the Daleks - Blasting the Past, A View from the Gallery, Nationwide, Blue Peter, Day of the Daleks: Special Edition, The Making of Day of the Daleks: Special Edition, The UNIT Family: Part Two, Now and Then: Day of the Daleks, The UNIT Dating Conundrum The Cheating Memory
- The Curse of Peladon - The Peladon Saga: Part One, The Markets & the Miners, Warriors of Mars, Jon and Katy, Storyboard Comparison
- The Sea Devils - Music-only Option, Hello Sailor!, 8mm Film, Trails & Continuity, The Making of Doctor Who
- The Mutants - Mutt Mad, Race Against Time, Blue Peter, Dressing Doctor Who: James Acheson
- The Time Monster - Between Now... and Now!: Science and "The Time Monster", The Time Monster: Restoration Comparison
- The Three Doctors - Pebble Mill at One, PanoptiCon 93, Blue Peter, BSB Highlights, The Five Faces of Doctor Who, BBC 1 Trailer, 40th Anniversary, Girls! Girls! Girls!: The 1970s, Happy Birthday to Who, Was Doctor Who Rubbish?
- Carnival of Monsters - Extended & Deleted Scenes, Behind the scenes - 'Looking In', Model Sequences, Using CSO, Alternative Theme Music, Trailer 'The Five Faces of Doctor Who', Alternative Episode Ending, TARDIS Cam No.2, Destroy All Monsters!, The A to Z of Gadgets & Gizmos, Mary Celeste and other Maritime Mysteries, On Target: Ian Marter
- Frontier in Space - The Perfect Scenario: Lost Frontiers, The Space War, Roger Delgado: The Master, Stripped for Action: The Third Doctor
- Planet of the Daleks - The Perfect Scenario: The End of Dreams, The Rumble in the Jungle, Multi-colourisation, Stripped for Action: The Daleks, Blue Peter
- The Green Death - Global Conspiracy?, Visual Effects, Robert Sloman Interview, Stewart Bevan Interview, The One with the Maggots, Dr. Forever!: The Unquiet Dead
- The Time Warrior - Beginning the End, Continuity, CGI Effects, Radio Times listings, The Dr Who Annual 1974
- Invasion of the Dinosaurs - People, Power and Puppetry, Deleted Scenes, Now & Then: The Locations of Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Billy Smart's Children's Circus, Doctor Who Stories: Elisabeth Sladen, Part One
- Death to the Daleks - Beneath the City of the Exxilons, Studio Recordings, On the Set of Dr Who and the Daleks, Doctor Who Stories: Dalek Men
- The Monster of Peladon - The Peladon Saga: Part Two, The Monsters & the Monarchs, Deleted Scene, Where Are They Now?, On Target: Terrance Dicks
- Planet of the Spiders - The Final Curtain, John Kane remembers "Planet of the Spiders", Directing Who with Barry Letts, Now & Then: The Locations of Planet of the Spiders, Omnibus Edition and trailer
Fourth Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Robot - Are Friends Electric?, The Tunnel Effect, Blue Peter, Radio Times listings, BBC Enterprise Literature
- The Ark in Space - Roger Murray-Leach Interview, News Item Tom Baker Interview, Model Sequences, CGI Effects, BBC 1 Trailer, Unused Title Sequence, TARDIS Cam No.1, Space Station Schematics, A New Frontier, Dr. Forever!: Love and War
- The Sontaran Experiment - Built for War: The Sontaran Story
- Genesis of the Daleks - Genesis of a Classic, The Dalek Tapes, Continuity, Blue Peter, Radio Times listings, The Dr Who Annual 1976
- Revenge of the Cybermen - Cheques, Lies and Videotape, The Tin Men and the Witch, Location Report - Archive interview with Tom Baker at Wookey Hole
- The Fourth Doctor Time Capsule - Interview with the Time Lord
- Terror of the Zygons - Scotch Mist in Sussex, Remembering Douglas Camfield, The UNIT Family: Part Three, Doctor Who Stories: Elisabeth Sladen, Part Two, Doctor Who Stories: Tom Baker
- Planet of Evil - A Darker Side, Planetary Performance: Acting in Doctor Who, Studio Scene, Continuity, Radio Times listings
- Pyramids of Mars - Deleted Scenes, Osirian Gothic, Serial Thrillers, Now and Then: The Locations of Pyramids of Mars, Oh Mummy!
- The Andriod Invasion - The Village that Came to Life, Life After Who: Philip Hinchcliffe
- The Brain of Morbius - Getting a Head, Designs on Karn, The Brain of Morbius Set Tour, Sketch Gallery, Radio Times listings
- The Seeds of Doom - Podshock, Playing in the Green Cathedral, Stripped for Action: The Fourth Doctor, Now & Then: The Locations of The Seeds of Doom, So What Do You Do Exactly?, Music-only Option
- The Masque of Mandragora - The Secret of the Labyrinth, Bigger on the Inside, Now & Then: The Locations of The Masque of Mandragora, Unused Title Sequence, Beneath the Masque of "The Mask of Mandragora"
- The Hand of Fear - Changing Time: Living and Leaving Doctor Who, Swap Shop, Continuity, Radio Times listings, The Dr Who Annual 1977
- The Deadly Assassin - The Matrix Revisited, The Gallifreyan Candidate, The Frighten Factor, Radio Times listings
- The Face of Evil - Into the Wild, Tomorrow's Times: The Fourth Doctor, Doctor Who Stories: Louise Jameson
- The Robots of Death - Featurette Model Sequences, Featurette In-Studio included with above, Studio Floor Plans, The Sandmine Murders, Robophobia
- The Talons of Weng-Chiang — Whose Doctor Who, Blue Peter, Behind the scenes, Pebble Mill at One, Trails & Continuity, TARDIS Cam No.6, The Last Hurrah, Now & Then: The Locations of The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Moving On, The Foe from the Future, Victoriana and Chinoiserie: References in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", Music Hall: The Talents of Ones who Sang, Limehouse: A Victorian Chinatown
- Horror of Fang Rock - Terrance Dicks: Fact & Fiction, Paddy Russell: A Life in Television, The Antique Doctor Who Show
- The Invisible Enemy - Dreams and Fantasy, Studio Sweepings, Visual Effect: The Modelwork of "The Invisible Enemy"
- Image of the Fendahl - After Image, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Trailer, Radio Times listings
- The Sun Makers - Running from the Tax Man, The Doctor's Composer: Part Two, 1970-79
- Underworld - Into the Unknown, Underworld: In Studio, Radio Times listings
- The Invasion of Time - Out of Time, The Rise and Fall of Gallifrey, The Elusive David Agnew, Deleted Scenes, Continuity, Radio Times listings
- Note that Region 1 releases of the DVDs above this note have additional continuity announcements by Howard Da Silva, which appeared on episodes when they were originally aired in North America in the 1970s and early 1980s.
- The Ribos Operation - The Ribos File, A Matter of Time
- The Pirate Planet - Parrot Fashion, Weird Science, Film Inserts, Deleted Scenes & Outtakes
- The Stones of Blood - Getting Blood from the Stones, Hammer Horror, Stones Free, Deleted Scenes, The Model World of Robert Symes
- The Androids of Tara - The Humans of Tara, Now and Then: The Androids of Tara, Double Trouble
- The Power of Kroll - Variations, In Studio, Philip Madoc: A Villain for all Seasons, There's Something About Mary...
- The Armageddon Factor - Defining Shadows, Rogue Time Lords, Directing Who with Michael Hayes, 5 episodes of Late Night Story featuring Tom Baker
- Destiny of the Daleks - Terror Nation, Directing Who: Ken Grieve, CGI Effects, Trails & Continuity, Prime Computer Adverts, Radio Times listings
- City of Death - Paris in the Springtime, Paris W12, Prehistoric Landscapes, Chicken Wrangler, Doctor Who Annual 1980, Eye on... Blatchford
- The Creature from the Pit - Christopher Barry: Director, Team Erato, Animal Magic
- Nightmare of Eden - The Nightmare of TV Centre, Going Solo, The Doctor's Strange Love: Nightmare of Eden, Ask Aspel
- The Horns of Nimon - Who Peter: Part One, Partners in Time 1963-1989, Read the Writer, Peter Howell Music Demos
- Shada - Taken Out of Time, Strike! Strike! Strike!, Being a Girl, Shada: Now & Then
- The Leisure Hive - A New Beginning, From Avalon to Argolis, Synthesizing Starfields: Redesigning the Titles, June Hudson's Leisure Wear, Blue Peter, Music-only Option
- Meglos - Meglos Men, The Scene Sync Story, Jacqueline Hill: A Life in Pictures, Entropy Explained, Music-only Option
- Full Circle - All Aboard the Starliner, E-Space: Fact or Fiction?, K-9 in E-Space, Swap Shop
- State of Decay - The Vampire Lovers, Leaves of Blood: Literary Vampires, The Blood Show, The Frayling Reading, Film Trimms
- Warriors' Gate - The Dreaming, The Boy with the Golden Star, Lalla's Wardrobe: A Frockumentary, Deleted & Extended Scenes
- The Keeper of Traken - Being Nice to Each Other, The Return of the Master, Swap Shop, Music-only Option, Trails & Continuity, Doctor Who Annual 1982, Radio Times listings, BBC Enterprise Literature
- Logopolis - A New Body at Last, Nationwide, Pebble Mill at One, BBC News, Music-only Option, Continuity, Doctor Who Annual 1982, Radio Times listings, BBC Enterprise Literature
Fifth Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Castrovalva - Being Doctor Who: In conversation with Peter Davison, Directing Castrovalva, The Crowded TARDIS, Blue Peter, Swap Shop, Deleted Scenes, Theme Music Video, Music-only Option, Trails & Continuity, Doctor Who Annual 1982, Radio Times listings, BBC Enterprise Literature, Easter egg: The Lord Mayor's Show
- Four to Doomsday - Studio Recording, Saturday Night at the Mill, Theme Music Video, Radio Times listings
- Kinda - Dream Time, Peter Grimwade: Directing with attitude…, Deleted & Extended Scenes, CGI Effects
- The Visitation - Directing Who: Peter Moffatt, Writing a Final Visitation, Scoring The Visitation, Film Trims, Easter egg: Continuity, Grim Tales, The Television Centre of the Universe: Part One, Dr. Forever!: The Apocalypse Element
- Black Orchid - Now & Then: The Locations of Black Orchid, Deleted Scenes, Stripped for Action: The Fifth Doctor, Blue Peter, Points of View, Black Orchid: Film Restoration, Radio Times listings, Easter egg: Continuity
- Earthshock - Putting the Shock into Earthshock, 40th Anniversary, CGI Effects, Location Film Sequences, Music-only Option, Did You See?, Earthshock: Part Five, Easter egg: The Real McCoy
- Time-Flight - Mouth on Legs, Deleted Scenes, Jurassic Larks, Out-takes, Peter Grimwade in conversation with Nicholas Briggs, Doctor Who Annual 1983, Radio Times listings
- Arc of Infinity - Anti-Matter from Amsterdam, The Omega Factor, Deleted Scenes, Under Arc Lights, CGI Effects, Continuity, Music-only Option, Radio Times listings, Doctor Who Annual 1983, Easter egg: Coming soon teaser for The Complete Davros Collection
- Snakedance - Snake Charmer, In Studio, Deleted Scenes, Saturday Superstore, Music-only Option, Easter egg: In Conversation: Chris Bailey & Rob Shearman
- Mawdryn Undead - Who Wants to Live Forever?, Liberty Hall, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Film Trims, Outtakes, CGI Effects, Easter egg: TARDIS Information File, Easter egg: Studio Floorplans
- Terminus - Breaking Point, Origins of the Universe, Original Storyboards, Unused Model Shots, CGI Effects, Easter egg: TARDIS Information File, Easter egg: VT countdown for all 4 episodes
- Enlightenment - Enlightenment: Special Edition, Winner Takes All, Casting Off!, Single Write Female, The Story of the Guardians, Original Storyboards & Visual Effect Shots, Re-Enlightenment, Original Edit Comparison, Film Trims, Finding Mark Strickson, Finding Sarah Sutton, Russell Harty's Christmas Party, Easter egg: TARDIS Information File, Easter egg: Janet Fielding & Peter Davison bonus interview, Easter egg: Making "The Guardian Trilogy" DVD box set photo gallery, Radio Times Doctor Who 20th Anniversity Special
- The King's Demons - Kamelion: Metal Man, Magna Carta: The Dawn of Democracy, Music-only Option, Radio Times listings
- The Five Doctors - Celebration: Doctor Who in 1983, Music-only Option, Radio Times listings, Trails & Continuity, The Ties that Bind Us, Five Doctors, One Studio, Outtakes, (Not So) Special Effects, Saturday Superstore, Blue Peter, Nationwide, Breakfast Time, Music-only Option, Easter egg: 1995 BBC Video ident
- Warriors of the Deep - The Depths, They Came from Beneath the Sea, Science in Action, Trails & Continuity, Music-only Option, Radio Times listings, Easter egg: Mat's Models: Relics from the Irvine workshop
- The Awakening - Return to Little Hodcombe, Making the Malus, Now & Then: The Locations of The Awakening, From the Cutting Room Floor, The Golden Egg Awards
- Frontios - Driven to Distractation, Deleted & Extended Scenes
- Resurrection of the Daleks - Resurrection of the Daleks: On Location, Deleted Scenes, Breakfast Time, BBC 1 Trailer, Music-only Option, Easter egg: Clean 1982 title sequence & closing credits, Easter egg: VT countdown for Part 2, TARDIS Cam No.4, Casting Far and Wide, Come in Number Five, Tomorrow's Times: The Fifth Doctor
- Planet of Fire - The Flames of Sarn, Return to the Planet of Fire, Designs on Sarn, Planet of Fire: Special Edition, Introduction by Fiona Cunning, Calling the Shots, Remembering Anthony Ainley, Alternative Edits, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Easter egg: VT countdown for all 4 episodes of Planet of Fire, Easter egg: Planet of Fire Factoids
- The Caves of Androzani - Original un-restored opening scene, Extended Scene, Behind the scenes: The Regeneration, Behind the scenes: Creating Sharaz Jek, BBC One O'Clock News, BBC Nine O'Clock News, South East at Six, Music-only Option, BBC 1 Trailer, Chain Reaction, Directing Who: Then & Now with Graeme Harper
Sixth Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Twin Dilemma - Look 100 Years Younger, The Star Man, Stripped for Action: The Sixth Doctor, Breakfast Time, Blue Peter, Radio Times listings, Easter egg: Film trims (mute)
- Attack of the Cybermen - The Cold War, The Cyber Story, The Cyber-Generations, Human Cyborg: The Cybernetic Experiments, Trails & Continuity, Music-only Option, Radio Times listings, Easter egg: The Cybernetic Autonomous Dalek
- Vengeance on Varos - Deleted Scenes, On the Studio Floor, Unmixed Soundtrack, BBC 1 Trailers, Outtakes, Nice or Nasty?, The Idiot's Lantern, Tomorrow's Times: The Sixth Doctor, BBC Breakfast Time, Unbroadcast French & Saunders Sketch
- The Mark of the Rani - Lords and Luddites, Deleted Scenes, Now and Then: The Mark of the Rani, Playing with Time: Scoring Doctor Who, Blue Peter, Saturday Superstore, Alternative Soundtrack, Music-only Option, Doctor Who Annual 1985, Radio Times listings
- The Two Doctors - Music-only Option, A Fix with Sontarans, Behind the Sofa: Robert Holmes and Doctor Who, Beneath the Lights, Beneath the Sun, Adventures in Time and Spain, Wavelength, Easter egg: Clean 1984 title sequence & closing credits
- Timelash - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Radio Times listings, Easter egg: Continuity
- Revelation of the Daleks - Revelation Exhumed, CGI Effects, In Studio, Deleted Scenes, Music-only Option, Continuity, Easter egg: Video clip from the ADR recording for the 5.1 surround sound mix
- The Mysterious Planet - The Making of The Trial of a Time Lord: Part One, Mysterious Planet, Deleted & Extended Scenes, 35mm Film Sequence, Trails & Continuity, Theme Music Video, Wogan, Blue Peter, Points of View
- Mindwarp - The Making of The Trial of a Time Lord: Part Two, Mindwarp, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Now and Then on the Trail of a Time Lord, A Fate Worse Than Death, Children in Need, Trails & Continuity, Lenny Henry Comedy Sketch
- Terror of the Vervoids - The Making of The Trial of a Time Lord: Part Three, Terror of the Vervoids, Deleted & Extended Scenes, The Lost Season, Trails & Continuity, Now, Get Out of That: Doctor Who Cliffhangers, The Saturday Picture Show
- The Ultimate Foe - The Making of The Trial of a Time Lord: Part Four, The Ultimate Foe, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Trials and Tribulations, Trails & Continuity, 1985 Hiatus, Doctor in Distress, Open Air, Saturday SuperStore, Radio Times listings, Media Coverage
Seventh Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Time and the Rani - The Last Chance Saloon, 7D FX, Helter-Skelter, Lakertya, Hot Gossip, On Location, Blue Peter, Easter egg: Regeneration with CGI effects, Easter egg: Eye-Sore, Easter egg: The Name'sh McCoy Shylveshter McCoy
- Paradise Towers - Horror on the High Rise, Casting Sylvester: The Missing Piece of the Jigsaw, Girls! Girls! Girls!: The 1980s, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Alternative Soundtrack
- Delta and the Bannermen - But First This, Interview Rushes, Wales Today, Part One: First edit, Hugh and Us, Clown Court, Stripped for Action: The Seventh Doctor
- Dragonfire - Fire and Ice, Deleted & Extended Scenes, The Doctor's Strange Love: Dragonfire, The Big Bang Theory, Music-only Option
- Remembrance of the Daleks - Back to School, Remembrances: Referencing the Past, Davros Connections, Extended & Deleted Scenes, Outtakes, Multi-Angle Sequences
- The Happiness Patrol - Happiness Will Prevail, Deleted & Extended Scenes, "Ace" wishes Blue Peter Happy Birthday, When Worlds Collide
- Silver Nemesis - Industrial Action, Deleted & Extended Scenes
- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy - The Show Must Go On, Lost in the Darkness: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy's Missing Model Shots, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Tomorrow's Times: The Seventh Doctor, Victoria Wood as Seen on TV, Remembrance Demo Music, Easter egg: The Physic Circus
- Battlefield - Storm Over Avallion, Past and Future King, Watertank, From Kingdom to Queen: Jean Marsh in Doctor Who, Battlefield Studio Recording, Battlefield: Special Edition
- Ghost Light - Light in Dark Places, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Shooting Ghosts, Writer's Question Time, Easter egg: Continuity, Easter egg: Outtake
- The Curse of Fenric - Nebula 90, Take Two, Modelling the Dead, Claws & Effect: On Location with BBC Visual Effects, Clean Title Sequence, The Curse of Fenric: Special Edition, Shattering the Chains, Costume Design: Ken Trew, Recutting the Runes, Easter egg: Continuity, Easter egg: Mark Ayres bonus interview
- Survival - Doctor Who: Endgame, Cat Flap: Part One, Conception & the Casualty Connection, Cat Flap: Part Two, Cats, Comedians & Quarry, Deleted & Extended Scenes, Outtakes, Search Out Science: Search Out Space, Little Girl Lost, Destiny of the Doctors, Continuity
Eighth Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The TV Movie - The Wilderness Years, Stripped for Action: The Eighth Doctor, Tomorrow's Times: The Eighth Doctor, The Seven Year Hitch, The Doctor's Strange Love or How I learned to stop worrying and love the TV Movie, Who Peter: Part Two, A New Regeneration 1989-2009, Philip Segal Interview, Fox: Behind-the-Scenes, VFX Tests June 1994, VFX March 1996, 4 Audio Tracks, Easter egg: Matthew Jacobs' earliest memory of Dr Who, Easter egg: Jon Pertwee dedication caption
Miscellaneous[[edit] | [edit source]]
- K9 and Company - The K-9 Files, K-9: A Dog's Tale
- More than 30 Years in the TARDIS - Remembering Nicholas Courtney, Those Deadly Divas, The Lambert Tapes: Success Story, Doctor Who Stories: Peter Purves, Easter egg: Richard Martin's memories of Verity
- Scream of the Shalka - Carry On Screaming, The Screaming Sessions, Interweb of Fear, Soundtrack Album