
London Zoo

  • ️Fri Apr 12 2024

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London Zoo

The London Zoo was a zoo in London, England. (AUDIO: The Eye of the Jungle [+]Loading...["The Eye of the Jungle (audio story)"]) It was located in Regent's Park. (AUDIO: Storm Warning [+]Loading...["Storm Warning (audio story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams landed in the Amazonian forest in 1827. They met the naturalist Edwin Garrett, who was trying to bring back animals for the opening of the London Zoo the following year. (AUDIO: The Eye of the Jungle [+]Loading...["The Eye of the Jungle (audio story)"])

In 1893, Bernice Summerfield's Time Ring deposited her in the London Zoo. Not knowing anyone in the city at that time, she went to the Diogenes Club, looking for Mycroft Holmes. (AUDIO: The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel [+]Loading...["The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel (audio story)"])

In 1894, alien zoologists visited the zoo and used a time scanner to study the evolutionary histories of the exhibits. When they tried to leave, the aliens crashed their timeship in the zoo, releasing a green fog laced with temporal radiation that devolved the zoo's animals. The Paternoster Gang came to the zoo and returned everything back to normal. (PROSE: The Evolution Episode [+]Loading...["The Evolution Episode (short story)"])

One day Charlotte Pollard was watching the dolphins at the zoo. To her it was like she felt them smiling. (AUDIO: Storm Warning [+]Loading...["Storm Warning (audio story)"])

In the 20th century, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith went to the London Zoo on the trail of a dying Pescaton. They noted that even the lions were afraid of the shark-like creature. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pescatons (part two) [+]Loading...{"part":"two","1":"Doctor Who and the Pescatons (audio story)"})

In 1984, the London Zoo owned a female Tibetan Yeti (Yeti Traversii) named Mahamaya. Mahamaya was successfully bred with a male Yeti from Peking, which was considered something of a diplomatic coup. Their offspring was named Margaret for Margaret Thatcher, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; however, at a press event to announce the naming, young Margaret bit her namesake. (PROSE: Downtime [+]Loading...["Downtime (novelisation)"])

A tiger and a pack of wolves escaped from London Zoo in the early 21st century after a global forest grew overnight. (TV: In the Forest of the Night [+]Loading...["In the Forest of the Night (TV story)"])

The Eighth Doctor visited the zoo in 2020, and lamented over the enforced imprisonment the animals there endured, even if they were treated well. (AUDIO: Wild Animals [+]Loading...["Wild Animals (audio story)"])

Sui Sui was raised in the London Zoo. (PROSE: How to Play Four-dimensional Chinese Checkers, and Win [+]Loading...["How to Play Four-dimensional Chinese Checkers, and Win (short story)"])

Undated events[[edit] | [edit source]]

Susan once visited the zoo, later being reminded of the stink of the animals when she encountered Marton Dhal's army of ape-bats. (PROSE: The Sorcerer's Apprentice [+]Loading...["The Sorcerer's Apprentice (novel)"])

Petronella Osgood once went on a course at the zoo as a child, where she held a tarantula before throwing it out of a window. She later recounted this incident to Shana Siddiqui. (AUDIO: Hosts of the Wirrn [+]Loading...["Hosts of the Wirrn (audio story)"])