
Merrapine Scar

  • ️Fri Nov 15 2024

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The Merrapine Scar was a strange phenomenon, rumoured by some Alliance scientists to permeate the barriers of time.

It was located on the Laputa system, above Gulliver's Rest, the only planet in that system. Not much was known about the Scar, because the inhabitants of Gulliver's blocked all attempts at studying it. However, it was rumoured that they used the Scar's energies for mysterious research projects. (PROSE: Flight of the Cyberons [+]Loading...["Flight of the Cyberons (short story)"]) Faction Paradox considered Dionus, a Homeworlder who lived on Gulliver's Rest, to be the rightful owner of the "temporal anomaly" above the planet, and attempted to purchase it from him. However, he refused to make any kind of deal with the Faction, to their ire. (AUDIO: Eternal Escape [+]Loading...["Eternal Escape (audio story)"])