
Molten Heart (novel)

  • ️Sat Sep 28 2024

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Molten Heart was the sixty-seventh novel in the BBC New Series Adventures series. It was written by Una McCormack and featured the Thirteenth Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

Deep below the surface of the planet Adamantine lies a crystalline wonder world of lava seas and volcanic islands, home to living rock-people.

But when the Doctor and her friends arrive on Adamantine they find it under threat. The seas are shrinking, the magma is cooling, and mysterious, fatal seething pools are spreading fast.

Something has come to Adamantine – but what does it want? Fearing an invasion is underway, the Doctor must lead an expedition to the surface of the world to save its molten heart...

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • A planet named Adamantine was mentioned in an earlier novel The Fall of Yquatine by Nick Walters. Molten Heart does not acknowledge him in any way, which precludes the use of his intellectual property as the main setting. The planets are described differently even though both are home to silicon/rock-based sentient life forms. However, in The Fall of Yquatine, Adamanteans are not originally native to Adamantine, live on the surface and have a space fleet, whereas the rock people from Adamantine are native to it, live inside the world, under the surface, and are only just becoming aware of the existence of anything outside the inside of their planet. Finally, "adamant" is a dictionary word for a legendary kind of rock, while both "adamantine" and "adamantean" are existing adjectives formed from it. Thus, in the absence of a statement to the contrary by Una McCormack, the two planets should be considered accidental namesakes, the coincidence possibly related to the desire to create a place to live for two rock-like species.
  • A short description of all three novels accompanying Series 11 was published in DWM 531, p. 80. According to Una McCormack, this novel was inspired by CS Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia series and she tried to channel "Hartnell-ish feel".
  • The book had been commissioned by Stephen Cole and written before Series 11 began airing. The only information available to the authors was a character crib sheet, script extracts from The Woman Who Fell to Earth and some images.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Ryan refers to Graham as his granddad, placing this episode sometime after their visit to Norway in 2018. (TV: It Takes You Away [+]Loading...["It Takes You Away (TV story)"])

Additional cover images[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Textless cover art

    Textless cover art

Editions published outside Britain[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Published in Italy by Armenia in 2019 as a paperback edition.

Audiobook[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Audiobook cover

    Audiobook cover

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

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BBC New Series Adventures
Ninth Doctor
Main book series
Rose and Jack
Tenth Doctor
Main book series
Quick Reads
Eleventh Doctor
Main book series
Amy and Rory
Quick Reads
Amy and Rory
Amy and Rory
2-in-1 books
Amy and Rory
Twelfth Doctor
Main book series
Bill and Nardole
Alex and Brandon
Thirteenth Doctor
Main book series
Ryan, Yaz and Graham
Ryan, Yaz, Graham and Ace