
Monte Carlo

  • ️Sat May 04 2024

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Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo was a city in Europe.

Geography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Monte Carlo was located next to a body of water and near the Forest of Digne, and a series of boathouses, one of which was used in a plot by Carl's gang, (TV: The Man from MI.5 [+]Loading...["The Man from MI.5 (TV story)"]) while structures within the city included the Monte Carlo Cassino (PROSE: The Tudor Engagement [+]Loading...["The Tudor Engagement (short story)"]) and another casino which was once visited by Parker. A hotel was either within or close to the city. (TV: The Man from MI.5 [+]Loading...["The Man from MI.5 (TV story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 1893, the Paternoster Gang cornered bank robber Volta in the kitchens of the Monte Carlo Cassino, at which point he used a device to travel through time to the court of Henry VIII in 1544. The gang followed him to 1544, and returned to Monte Carlo shortly after, handing Volta over to the police. (PROSE: The Tudor Engagement [+]Loading...["The Tudor Engagement (short story)"])

In an account dated to 1965, Monte Carlo was the setting of a scheme by Carl and his gang to steal the plans to a nuclear device from MI5 agent Captain Blacker's yacht, destroy the yacht with explosives, and escape. After fellow MI5 agent Jimmy Bondson saw the event and contacted International Rescue, he explained the situation to Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward in the Forest of Digne and they decided to help him.

After a series of events led to Lady Penelope being kidnapped, left on a boat to be blown up, and subsequently being saved by her fellow International Rescue members, the plans were recovered and returned to Bondson in the Forest of Digne, while the members of Carl's gang were captured. (TV: The Man from MI.5 [+]Loading...["The Man from MI.5 (TV story)"])

Other sources dated the activities of International Rescue to the 1990s, (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Loading...["The Dying Days (novel)"]) the 2060s, (PROSE: Titan Declares War! [+]Loading...["Titan Declares War! (short story)"] et al.) and the 2080s. (PROSE: Captain Scarlet in Death Crash! [+]Loading...["Captain Scarlet in Death Crash! (short story)"] et al.)

Shortly before travelling to the Gogglebox inside the Moon in the far future, the Fifth Doctor dropped off Peri Brown and Erimem in Monte Carlo in 1966, so they could stop the Veiled Leopard from being stolen. (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard [+]Loading...["The Veiled Leopard (audio story)"], The Gathering [+]Loading...["The Gathering (audio story)"])

However, shortly before visiting his former companion Evelyn Smythe on Világ, the Seventh Doctor dropped off Ace and Hex in Monte Carlo during the same era and instructed them to steal the Veiled Leopard. (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard [+]Loading...["The Veiled Leopard (audio story)"], Thicker Than Water [+]Loading...["Thicker Than Water (audio story)"])

In one of her incarnations, Iris Wildthyme played roulette there, which soon developed into an obsession. (AUDIO: Dark Side [+]Loading...["Dark Side (audio story)"])

On 5 March 2005, when Henrik's heir Rudi was late in making a visit to meet with former employees of the recently destroyed Central London location, a bitter ex-security guard suggested Rudi's helicopter had been held up at Monte Carlo. (PROSE: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (novelisation)"])