
Night's Black Agents (audio story)

  • ️Thu Feb 29 2024

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Night's Black Agents was the eleventh story of the fourth series in The Companion Chronicles, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Marty Ross, narrated by Frazer Hines and featured the Sixth Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

Jamie McCrimmon and his new friend the Sixth Doctor are lost on the moors of Scotland, where the legendary Kelpie roams...

They are offered shelter by the Reverend Merodach, the minister of the parish of Lammermoor, and are welcomed to his castle. But strange forces are at work within its walls, and Merodach is not what he appears.

Can the Doctor and Jamie prevent their powerful enemy from taking the TARDIS for himself?

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Cast[[edit] | [edit source]]

Crew[[edit] | [edit source]]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor tells Jamie that the Scottish legend of the Kelpie has no basis in fact.
  • Reverend Merodach is the minister of the parish of Lammermoor in Lothian.
  • Jamie describes Reverend Merodach as resembling a "chewed out apple core."
  • Reverend Merodach states that the wearing of tartan has been banned in Scotland since the Jacobite Rising in the 1740s.
  • Reverend Merodach describes the Doctor's coat as resembling that of "a carnival magician".
  • The Doctor quotes Macbeth.
  • Reverend Merodach contemptuously refers to Bonnie Prince Charlie as "an Italian dandy".

Story notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Companion Chronicles
First Doctor
Susan, Barbara, Ian
Barbara, Ian
Barbara, Ian, Vicki
Vicki and Steven
Steven, Sara
Steven, Oliver
Steven, Dodo
Polly, Ben
Second Doctor
Polly, Ben
Polly, Ben, Jamie
Jamie, Victoria
Jamie, Zoe
Third Doctor
The Brigadier
Solo travels
Fourth Doctor
Leela, K9 Mark I
Romana I
Romana II
Romana II, K9 Mark II
Romana II, Adric
Fifth Doctor
Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Tegan, Turlough
Sixth Doctor
Jason, Crystal
Seventh Doctor
Ace, Zara
Sally, Lysandra
Eighth Doctor
Iris Wildthyme, Jo Grant
Other adventures
Jago and Litefoot
Polly, the Brigadier, Brewster
The Master