
Operation Ravolox

  • ️Thu Feb 20 2025

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Operation Ravolox, also known as the Ravolox Affair, (PROSE: The Eight Doctors) was the incident in which the Time Lords, through use of a magnetron, moved the planet Earth across space. (TV: The Mysterious Planet, The Ultimate Foe)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Relocation of Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

It was about the year 2,000,000 when Earth was relocated along with its constellation two light-years from its proper position by the Time Lords to prevent the escape of aliens from the constellation of Andromeda who had stolen information from the Matrix on Gallifrey. (TV: The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"])

By an account in which the Last Great Time War was being fought in the Sixth Doctor's lifetime, the Time Lords moved the Earth in order to hide it from the Daleks as well as the Andromedans, since the Matrix Secrets the latter had stolen would have been as much use to the former. The Andromedans themselves may have been working for the Daleks, meaning that the Time Lords used the Magnetron to not only hide the Earth but also to burn any remaining Dalek sympathisers from its surface. (GAME: "The Mysterious Planet" [+]Part of The Sixth Doctor and the Time War, Loading...{"namedpart":"The Mysterious Planet","1":"The Sixth Doctor and the Time War (game)"})

Ravolox[[edit] | [edit source]]

As a result of the relocation, most of the humans remaining on Earth were wiped out. Those that survived degenerated to a primitive, tribal culture. The planet came to be known as Ravolox, with Earth being completely forgotten. The inhabitants of Ravolox eventually came to know of the true nature and history of their planet and to rebuild their civilisation. (TV: The Mysterious Planet)

At some point, the Daleks landed on Ravolox and intercepted the Matrix Secrets from the Andromedans. With the Andromedans dead, the Daleks proceeded into the Matrix to exterminate "the greatest treasure trove" of the Time Lords. They were opposed by a group of adventurers, who found themselves confronted by some of the most twisted minds to have ever lived as they entered the Matrix. (GAME: "Mind of the Daleks" [+]Part of The Sixth Doctor and the Time War, Loading...{"namedpart":"Mind of the Daleks","1":"The Sixth Doctor and the Time War (game)"})

The prophecy of the Vampire Messiah also used the name Ravolox for Earth. (PROSE: Goth Opera) Although Glitz informed her about Earth being a decimated planet, Mel Bush decided to try and make her way to Earth, intending to pull its scattered populace together and rebuild; six months later, however, she'd become stuck on Avalone. (PROSE: Head Games)

According to one account of universal history, the High Council of Time Lords rectified the situation by not only returning Earth to its original position, but adjusting the timelines so that, in effect, it had never moved at all. (PROSE: The Whoniverse [+]Loading...["The Whoniverse (novel)"])

Legacy[[edit] | [edit source]]

During the Last Great Time War, the Time Lords had protocols, known as the Ravolox Protocols, for moving a planet to safety. (AUDIO: Restoration of the Daleks) Through the projections of the Matrix, the Time Lords foresaw a post-war event in which the New Dalek Empire used a magnetron to move planets including the Earth, realising that the Daleks were willing to employ the Time Lords' tactics against them. Furthermore, the fact that the Daleks managed to move the Earth without devastating the planetary biosphere proved to the Gallifreyans that their enemy had better technology than their own. The ways through which the Daleks moved entire planets thus became a matter that they began to urgently study. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

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