
Order of the Black Sun

  • ️Mon Feb 17 2025

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The Order of the Black Sun was a group that waged the First Great Time War against the Time Lords, the first time war the latter had ever fought.

Membership[[edit] | [edit source]]

Several different species, some humanoid, others only vaguely humanoid, made up the Order. They wore capes and black unitards with a logo on them. (COMIC: 4-D War [+]Loading...["4-D War (comic story)"], Black Sun Rising [+]Loading...["Black Sun Rising (comic story)"]) They used hand-held black orbs as the focus for blasts of power. (COMIC: 4-D War [+]Loading...["4-D War (comic story)"])

They were represented by an Elder, as well as representatives for different space sectors. (COMIC: Black Sun Rising [+]Loading...["Black Sun Rising (comic story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Origins[[edit] | [edit source]]

One account noted that a "Cult of the Black Sun" was among the many secret societies which Faction Paradox created among the "lesser species", telling them "all the nastiest secrets of the Time Lords". (PROSE: Interference - Book One [+]Loading...["Interference - Book One (novel)"])

Indeed, a mysterious black sun which functioned as a corrupt antithesis of the Time Lords' Eye of Harmony was a prominent omen of the post-War universe that would follow from the fall of Gallifrey, (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [+]Loading...["The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)"]) and had been a cause of concern and speculation among the Time Lords well before the War in Heaven that would bring it about. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles [+]Loading...["The Gallifrey Chronicles (novel)"])

The Black Sun in the Wrarth Galaxy turned the peaceful Meeps into a race of violence and conquest under the banner of the Black Sun. (COMIC: Doctor Who and the Star Beast [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Star Beast (comic story)"])

By one account, the reality the Order of the Black Sun originated from had the Core Continuum Designation "Earth-5". (PROSE: Earth-5 [+]Loading...["Earth-5 (feature)"])

Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Black Sun War

30 years after the disappearance of the Time Lord Omega, they sent ambassadors to trade with Gallifreyans and Sontarans. Their Elder was killed because of a Sontaran plot, whose fault fell on the Gallifreyan delegation. The diplomatic incident triggered a conflict against the Time Lords. (COMIC: Black Sun Rising [+]Loading...["Black Sun Rising (comic story)"])

About 30000 years later, they had developed a time travel technology, the time-jumper, with which they sent back an agent to prevent the birth of the Time Lord civilisation itself, but they failed, inadvertently helping Rassilon to develop time travel. (COMIC: Star Death [+]Loading...["Star Death (comic story)"])

20 years after the disappearance of Omega, a group of them showed up inside the Question Hall on Gallifrey to stop the telepathic parahuman Viridian from unearthing information from Fenris the Destroyer's ruined mind. 11 people who were inside the Hall were killed, including Viridian and Fenris. (COMIC: 4-D War [+]Loading...["4-D War (comic story)"])

Aftermath[[edit] | [edit source]]

Long after the time war, a member of the Order of the Black Sun would serve as a High Evolutionary. (COMIC: The Final Chapter [+]Loading...["The Final Chapter (comic story)"])

Jim Sheldrake wrote a series of back-up stories for a licensed comic based on the Mister E television series. One of these stories explored Mister E's homeplanet being in a time war with a terrorist organisation known as the Black Sun Brigade whose motivations lay in the actions Mister E's people had yet to take. This story was said to be "a shade too close to the truth". (PROSE: The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Enemy [+]Loading...["The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Enemy (short story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Alan Moore said that the Order of the Black Sun "were an Earth-5 version of the Green Lantern Corps" of the DC Comics multiverse, whose main realities were Earth-1 and 2.[1]

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Sources[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. 1983 interview in Cerebro, quoted in "Doctor Who and the Genesis of Alan Moore" by Lance Parkin.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

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