
Poppito tree

  • ️Tue Jul 30 2024

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The Poppito tree. (GAME: Plant and Animal Habitats [+]Loading...["Plant and Animal Habitats (video game)"])

The Poppito tree was a tree found only on Raxacoricofallapatorius. It was thin and spindly, with reddish-brown leaves and a golden trunk. (PROSE: The Monsters Inside [+]Loading...["The Monsters Inside (novel)"]) It had calcium roots, lived in the tall tree forests of Raxacoricofallapatorius and liked chalky soil. Chalky hills, however, were too rocky for it to plant its roots. (GAME: Plant and Animal Habitats [+]Loading...["Plant and Animal Habitats (video game)"])

During the takeover of Justicia, the Blathereen hid some of their warp-hole transporters underneath Poppito saplings. (PROSE: The Monsters Inside [+]Loading...["The Monsters Inside (novel)"])

Once a Poppito tree was brought to Earth. Rani Chandra and Mr Smith helped to return it to the tall tree forests on Raxacoricofallapatorius. (GAME: Plant and Animal Habitats [+]Loading...["Plant and Animal Habitats (video game)"])

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Known tree species

AcaciaAmyris elemiferaAndrozaniAshAuboraBartleboigleBirchCadonwoodCheemGumJoshuaJudasLaburnumMapleMoon-pineOakPoppitoStageTimeToffee appleTreeborgUlandaUpasWillow