
Pound sterling

  • ️Tue Apr 02 2024

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Pound sterling

A folded £10 note in the hands of a human. (COMIC: Fooled [+]Loading...["Fooled (comic story)"])

The pound sterling — or, less formally, the pound, or quid (TV: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (TV story)"]) — was a form of currency used in the United Kingdom through at least the early 21st century. In emoji, 💷 was the symbol for monetary gain. (TV: Smile [+]Loading...["Smile (TV story)"])

Scotland had their own pound notes. Wales, on the other hand, did not. (PROSE: Slow Decay [+]Loading...["Slow Decay (novel)"])

The Fourth Doctor once used a pound coin to trigger a sequence of events that saw his pound swapped for another before this new coin landed in a sweet shop till. The startled stall owner knocked a table dropping a bag of jelly babies into a woman's handbag which Doctor deftly took as she passed him by, considering them "bought and paid for". (AUDIO: Chain Reaction [+]Loading...["Chain Reaction (audio story)"])

Unit of currency[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 1888, the Elysium had over £1000 worth of gold ingots in her cargo. (PROSE: Pride of Mayfield Star Lines Beached in Devastating Storm [+]Loading...["Pride of Mayfield Star Lines Beached in Devastating Storm (short story)"])

As of 1963, the pound was divided with a system of twenty shillings to a pound and twelve pennies to a shilling. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Remembrance of the Daleks (TV story)"])

Susan Foreman caught the attention of her teachers because of her inability to remember how many shillings were in a pound when she and the First Doctor settled in London in 1963. She believed Great Britain had switched to the decimalised pound, something that had not yet occurred. (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"})

The Monk put two hundred pounds in a London bank in 1968, then he nipped forward two hundred years and collected a fortune in compound interest. (TV: "Checkmate" [+]Part of The Time Meddler, Loading...{"namedep":"Checkmate (4)","1":"The Time Meddler (TV story)"})

In the 1970s, The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith discovered that they had been sent to a parallel universe because £5 notes had a picture of Edward IX. (COMIC: Who's Who? [+]Loading...["Who's Who? (comic story)"])

In or prior to 1997, Britain introduced a five pound coin. (TV: Battlefield [+]Loading...["Battlefield (TV story)"])

£568 was raised and donated to the Veteran Serviceman's Union at the memorial service held on the thirty-fifth anniversary of UNIT's involvement with Project Waxwork in 2005. This was reported on on the UNIT website. (PROSE: UNIT News [+]Loading...["UNIT News (feature)"])

The Tenth Doctor went back in time and borrowed a pound from Geoff Noble in order to buy a lottery ticket for his daughter Donna Noble. He then gave the lottery ticket to her mother Sylvia Noble and grandfather Wilfred Mott to pass on as a wedding present in 2010. (TV: The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"])

The Eleventh Doctor gave Craig Owens three thousand pounds as rent money for 79A Aickman Road. He was unsure of whether or not that was a lot of money, though he thought it looked like a lot. Speaking with Craig over the phone, Sophie expressed concern that he showed up with a paper bag with three grand in it, suspecting he may be a drug dealer. (TV: The Lodger [+]Loading...["The Lodger (TV story)"])

In the 2010s, the gold ingots on the Elysium were worth £10000000. (PROSE: Enthusiastic Amateur Diver Shares His Discoveries With You! [+]Loading...["Enthusiastic Amateur Diver Shares His Discoveries With You! (short story)"])

Searching through the pocket of the Ninth Doctor's leather jacket, Rose Tyler found a £10 coin which claimed to show the head of William V. (PROSE: Winner Takes All [+]Loading...["Winner Takes All (novel)"])

According to one account, the UK was no longer using this currency by 2050, having switched to credits. (TV: Oroborus [+]Loading...["Oroborus (TV story)"]) According to another, however, the UK had converted to the Euro some time before 2062. (PROSE: The Last Dodo [+]Loading...["The Last Dodo (novel)"])

In the 25th century, Kaftan offered fifty pounds to whoever could open the doors to the tombs of the Cybermen. One crewman took up the offer but was electrocuted. (TV: The Tomb of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["The Tomb of the Cybermen (TV story)"])

Exchange rates[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 2008, £1 was worth slightly more than fifty Sto credits. (TV: Voyage of the Damned [+]Loading...["Voyage of the Damned (TV story)"]) £1 was worth approximately 5.1 Hyspero Dirnas. (PROSE: The Panda Book of Horror)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the real world, the decimalised pound was introduced in 1971, eight years after the airing of the television story An Unearthly Child.

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